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Multiplexer and SDM-IO16

texagg98 Dec 14, 2016 03:19 AM

I am working on a project where I will need to measure several analog signals (32) and frequency signals (16).  I have both an AM16/32B and SDM-IO16 on hand and can reserve either a CR1000 or CR6 for logging and control.  Based on the documentation for the multiplexer, 30 s is the minimum recommended scan time.  However, for frequency counting on the SDM-IO16, the  maximum measurement interval is 15.9375 s.

My initial thoughts were to cycle between the two via TimeIntoInt, using a 45 s scan and start the frequency measurement at 0 s then start the analog at 15 s.  Any other suggestions on how to get these two units to play nice?

rlwoell Dec 14, 2016 04:31 PM

I don't have either external device so I can't check this out for myself but have you considered running them in SlowSequence/EndSequence loops?  I looked at the manuals and did not see any limitations to this approach.

You could place the frequency measurement in the main scan at a 15 second or faster scan rate and put the AM12/32B in a SlowSequence loop at a 30 second scan rate for example.  Or you could put both in their own separate SlowSequence loops.

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