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MP601A Pbe OUT H. 0-1VDC = 0...100%RH and Young 61302V

vertex Jan 31, 2017 05:47 PM

I have (CR800), and I want, to calculate barometric pressure tendency.(Young 61302V)
Can someone give me any sample configuration or recommend manual and
One more question, I have Rotronic (MP601A Pbe OUT H. 0-1VDC = 0...100%RH) and It is not in ShortCut, can someone help me or give advice?

Kind regards,

vertex Feb 4, 2017 07:35 PM

Thank you in advance!)

nsw Feb 8, 2017 11:36 AM

I'd recommend that you go through our QuickStart video tutorials

For your MP601A, use the "Generic Measurements" > "Differential Voltage" and use the multiplier and offset to convert the 0 - 1000mV to 0 - 100% RH.These will show you how to use ShortCut to generate a program including a wiring diagram.

Dont know about pressure tendency, sorry.

smile Feb 11, 2017 09:04 PM


do you have an algorithm, formula or description for press. tendency?


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