气象 / 天气与气候


从单个的研究气象站到中尺度气象网络(mesonets),Campbell Scientific 的自动气象站已经成为气候和边界层气象的全球标准,它们是全球预测和监测系统不可或缺的组成部分。精确的测量,低功耗的要求,以及在极端天气条件下已验证的可靠性,使得我们的气象站适合地球上的任何地方和所有类型的气象和气候监测。



For an introduction to our solutions that are compliant with World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and Global Basic Observing Networks (GBON) standards for the Systematic Observations Financing Facility (SOFF) initiative, visit our GBON-Compliant Observation Solutions page

Mesonet Essentials logo

For an introduction to mesonets, their value, and how they work, visit the Mesonet Essentials section.


有关更多详细信息我们 天气与气候 系统

Data loggers for weather monitoring

Our weather stations are based around a programmable data logger (typically a CR1000 or CR3000) that measures the sensors, then processes, stores, and transmits the data. Our data loggers have wide operating temperature ranges, on-board instructions, programmable execution intervals, and ample input channels for commonly used sensors. Wind vector, wet bulb, histogram, and sample on maxima or minima are standard in the data logger instruction sets. Most sensors can be measured directly—without external signal conditioning.

Data are typically viewed and stored in the units of your choice (e.g., wind speed in mph, m/s, knots). Measurement rates and data recording intervals are independently programmable, allowing calculation of 15-minute, hourly, and daily data values from 1-minute or 1-second measurements, for example. Conditional outputs, such as rainfall intensity and wind gusts, can also be recorded. The program can be modified at any time to accommodate different sensor configurations or new data processing requirements. If needed, channel capacity can be expanded using multiplexers, including a model designed specifically for thermocouples.

Weather Sensors

Almost any meteorological sensor can be measured by our data loggers, allowing stations to be customized for each site. Typical sensors used on our stations include, but are not limited to:

  1. Wind speed and direction
  2. Solar radiation
  3. Temperature (air, water, soil)
  4. Relative humidity
  5. Precipitation
  6. Snow depth
  7. Barometric pressure
  8. Soil moisture

In some locations, hydrological sensors provide additional measurements, such as water level of a nearby stream.

Data Retrieval

We offer multiple communications options for data retrieval, which can be mixed within the same network. Telecommunications options include short-haul, telephone (landline, voice-synthesized, cellular), radio frequency, multidrop, and satellite. On-site options include storage module and laptop computer.


Our PC-based support software simplifies the entire weather monitoring process, from programming to data retrieval to data display and analysis. Our software automatically manages data retrieval from networks or single stations. Robust error-checking ensures data integrity. We can even help you post your data to the Internet.

Example Weather Stations


Zambia: Strengthening Climate Resilience
Overview In May 2019, the Government of Zambia embarked on the Central Asia Water & Energy......阅读更多
France: Preserving Prehistoric Treasures
Overview The Chauvet-Pont d'Arc and Aven d'Orgnac caves are home to prehistoric treasures of rare artistic......阅读更多
France: Restoring a Royal Chapel
Overview The Royal Chapel of Chaalis Abbey—often referred to as the “French Sistine Chapel”—is a treasure......阅读更多
Southern Africa: Empowering Conservation and Water Security
Introduction At Campbell Scientific, we are committed to providing cutting-edge weather station solutions to organizations around......阅读更多
Croatia: Modernization of a Countrywide Weather Observation Network
Overview The National Weather Observation Network in Croatia, led by the Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service......阅读更多
The Kingdom of eSwatini: Strengthening Early Warning Systems and Climate Services
Overview The Kingdom of eSwatini in Southern Africa—with its agricultural-based economy and a population of less......阅读更多
South Africa: Fog Harvesting
Southwestern South Africa had three consecutive dry winters—from 2015 through 2017—resulting in the Cape Town......阅读更多
Union of the Comoros: Establishment of Four Weather Stations for Better Resilience to Climatic Hazards
As part of the United Nations Development Programme's (UNDP) Crisis Prevention and Resilience Building component,......阅读更多


天气与气候: 1

  1. We manufacture a weather station for Hunter that they have integrated with some of their irrigation software and control packages. For details on rain shutoff capabilities and irrigation controls specific to Hunter systems, contact a Hunter distributor.