数据管理软件 / LoggerNet Remote
LoggerNet Remote 远程数据采集器支持软件
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LoggerNet Remote可让您从远程位置管理一个已有的LoggerNet数据采集器网络,无需购买LoggerNet Admin(功能完整)软件包。


  • Allows you to manage an existing data logger network from a remote location
  • Includes all of the LoggerNet Admin clients except for the Service Manager



LoggerNet Remote可让您从远程位置管理一个已有的LoggerNet数据采集器网络,无需购买另一种功能完整的LoggerNet Admin软件包。

LoggerNet Remote仅包括LoggerNet Admin 客户端,用于连接远程PC上已有的LoggerNet 服务器。LoggerNet Remote并不包含LoggerNet 服务器。


Operating System Windows 11 or 10 (Both 32- and 64-bit operating systems are supported.)
Requirement .NET 4.6.2


Please note: The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible products.


Product Compatible Note
21X (retired) The 21X requires three PROMs; two PROM 21X Microloggers are not compatible.
CR10 (retired)
CR10X (retired) Compatible with the mixed array, PakBus, and TD data logger operating systems.
CR200X (retired)
CR206X (retired)
CR211X (retired)
CR216X (retired)
CR23X (retired) Compatible with the mixed array, PakBus, and TD data logger operating systems.
CR295X (retired)
CR3000 (retired)
CR500 (retired)
CR5000 (retired)
CR510 (retired) Compatible with the mixed array, PakBus, and TD data logger operating systems.
CR800 (retired)
CR850 (retired)
CR9000 (retired)

Additional Compatibility Information


LoggerNet Remote is a collection of 32-bit programs designed to run on Intel-based computers running Microsoft Windows operating systems.  LoggerNet Remote runs on Windows 10 and Windows 11. LoggerNet Remote runs on both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of these operating systems.


LoggerNet Patch v.4.8.1 (399 MB) 16-04-2024

Known Issue: For those using the Task Master to schedule tasks, there is an issue affecting proper execution. It is recommended that you wait to update until this has been resolved in the next release of LoggerNet.

This patch will upgrade LoggerNet, LoggerNet Remote or LoggerNet Admin version 4.0 and newer to 4.8.1. A version of LoggerNet 4.x must be installed on the computer. 

Note: This patch includes RTMC Run-time and the RTMC Standard Development v5.0.1. If you are using RTMC Pro 4.3.3 or older or CSI Web Server 1.6 or older and plan to continue creating RTMC projects, we recommend that you opt out on updating RTMC during the install or upgrade to RTMC Pro 5.0.

LoggerNet Admin and Remote:

A change was made in the way the LoggerNet 4.6 Server performs "Custom Data Collection". A corresponding change was made in the Connect Screen 4.6 client "Custom Data Collection" functionality.

If you require "Custom Data Collection" functionality with the Connect Screen client, assure that the LoggerNet Servers and Connect Screen clients are 4.6 or higher.

This application requires the Microsoft .Net 4.6.2 Framework.  If it is not already installed on your computer,  it can be obtained from the Microsoft Download Center.

Supported Operating Systems: (32 and 64 bit) Windows 11 or 10.



LoggerNet Remote: 16


  1. Yes. The download for the trial version is available in the Downloads section of the LoggerNet Remote Product Information page.

  2. LoggerNet Remote (LOGGERNETREM) is a separate product available for purchase.

  3. LoggerNet Admin contains all of the capabilities of LoggerNet Remote. Additional copies of LoggerNet Remote are purchased separately. Because using different versions of LoggerNet and LoggerNet Remote can result in issues, Campbell Scientific recommends purchasing the LoggerNet Admin Upgrade.

  4. No. LoggerNet Admin is installed on a single computer. To run clients or remote portions on another PC, it is necessary to purchase an additional LoggerNet Admin or LoggerNet Remote license.

  5. Yes. To install LoggerNet on a centralized server and run it as a service, LoggerNet Admin needs to be installed on the server. Assuming there are open communications paths, LoggerNet Admin can be set up to control/access two or more data logger networks. However, if users would like to control two networks on separate PCs, a copy of LoggerNet Remote is needed for each PC accessing LoggerNet Admin on the servers.

  6. LoggerNet doesn’t know which tables are available in mixed-array data loggers unless the program is identified by associating it. If no tables show up in the Data Filer table selection window, check that there is a program associated with the data logger in LoggerNet. This can be done on the Program tab of the LoggerNet Setup screen. Also, verify these two things:

    1. Scheduled collection is enabled (on the Schedule tab of the LoggerNet Setup screen).
    2. FS Area 1 is enabled (and FS Area2 if memory is being specifically allocated to it) for collection. This information is found on the respective tabs in the LoggerNet Setup Screen.
  7. Yes. This combination will result in a LoggerNet Admin installation with all of its features. However, Campbell Scientific does not recommend this process because installing different versions of LoggerNet and LoggerNet Remote can result in inconsistent software behavior.

  8. On the LoggerNet Setup screen, on the Data Files tab, select Create Unique File Name as a File Output Option. The Create Unique File Name option is not available for storage modules or mixed-array data loggers. In these situations, use Split or a batch file to accomplish the same results.

  9. No. However, LoggerNet can be upgraded to LoggerNet Admin, which has the same features as LoggerNet Remote.

  10. To connect to a remote computer, either LoggerNet Remote or another copy of LoggerNet Admin is needed. The standard LoggerNet software does not have the ability to log in to a server other than localhost.