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smile Jul 21, 2019 01:58 PM


despite these instructions, the logger already has 78 errors in less than 24 hours. How can I do? I'm tight with the times and analogue measurements are not important, I only have digital measurements.

Scan (1440,Min,0,0)

many thanks



smile Jul 24, 2019 07:47 AM


does anyone have suggestions? I'm puzzling.

If with the IFTIME statement the calibration is performed once a day, and fails, at most I should find a systemscan error per day or not?

Or maybe having started a calibration process the errors are due to all the times you tried to terminate it?

Help me.

I still save time in the main table to see if I have improvements


smile Sep 14, 2020 03:28 PM

Hi to All

I go back to the question of many skipped system scans.

It has become important for a few days.

On a CR1000 it happens that many errors accumulate and then it starts to work badly and for example it does not send FTP data.

What I don't understand is, why if I execute the calibrate instruction through slowscan at 1440 minutes, after 3 days of programming I already have about 200 system scan errors.

Reading the CRBasic manual I understand that if I decide to perform the calibrate once a day, it must not be performed automatically, but if so, why are there so many skipped system scans?

Thanks to those who can give me suggestions.

JDavis Sep 14, 2020 07:32 PM

Each time a step of the calibration process is rescheduled, it will register an error. So, it could show several errors for one cycle, because the whole process is many steps.

smile Sep 15, 2020 07:52 AM

ok now something is clearer. thank you

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