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RS232 - RS485 Cable & Pinout Modbus

Nicolas Jan 7, 2021 10:12 AM


I want to connect the COMRS232 port of a cr300 to an RS485 adapter ( https://www.digitus.info/de/produkte/kabel-und-adapter/computerkabel/serielleparallele-kabel-und-adapter/da-70161/ ) in order to establish a communications network with Modbus sensors. What type of cable should I use between the CR300 and the adapter? Rx to Tx (and Tx to RX) or Pin to pin? Which pins of the DB9 connector are actually used?

Thanks in advance,


Nicolas Jan 10, 2021 02:41 PM

After performing some tests, I found the answer. Only the Rx, Tx and ground PINs are required. Rx to Tx and Tx to Rx. Hoping to be useful to others

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