Cables / HMP155ACBL1-L



HMP155ACBL1是用于HMP155A 空气温湿度探头的备份线缆。线缆一端配有连接传感器的接头,另一端是尾线形式,或者配有可连接到我们的预接线机箱的快速接头。


HMP155A Example Programs (4 KB) 15-10-2021

Description: Example CR1000X programs that measure either the analog voltage or RS-485 output of the HMP155A. The analog voltage programs use either the VoltSE or VoltDiff instruction and switch power to the sensor only during measurements. One program also calculates the mean vapor pressure. The RS-485 program measures the RS-485 output with an SDM-SIO1A/SIO4A.  Although these programs are written for the CR1000X, programs for other dataloggers will be similar.


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