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CR1000 connected with Line of Sight Radios - Best way to distribute data to public

clapp Sep 1, 2017 06:38 PM

I have a CR1000 sending data via LOS radios to a computer running Loggernet.

I need this data to be available to the public.  What are my options?

Dana Sep 1, 2017 10:01 PM

There are a few options you may want to look at:

Use RTMC to create a custom web page and deploye the page to a computer running the CSI Web Server. RTMC Pro includes CSI Web Server, or the web server can be purchased separately. The standard version of RTMC ships with LoggerNet. If your display needs are simple, the RTMC included in LoggerNet might be all you need, but in that instance, the CSI Web Server would need to be purchased.

Use RTMC Pro to create a project that generates images, and then use those images in a web page that you develop.



Dana W. 

jra Sep 5, 2017 01:18 PM

We have a few videos on RTMC and RTMC Pro. You can watch them here.

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