26601 CS506 10-小时可燃物含水量仿真木棍




  • 由精心挑选的USFS标准的西黄松木销所构成
  • 与CS506探头配套使用,测量森林火险应用中的可燃物含水量



26601 10-小时可燃物含水量仿真木销是按照USFS标准从西黄松木销中精心挑选出来。没有加入可能影响木销特性的人工物质(环氧密封胶)。木销的整个表面都可以进行水分交换,因此CS506的响应与传统的称重法相似。

为了最优化探头到探头的可重复性,以达到不需要逐一校准就可实现探头可交换的目的,在木销被选中用于传感器之前,对其实施两个传统的分类方法:首先,用密度来排出较干燥的木销,改善它们0 至 15%较干燥量程范围内的精度;其次,对木销实施50分钟的浸泡,减小探头与探头间的时间响应差异,最小化20至50%较湿量程内的波动性。




Material Ponderosa Pine
Diameter 1.3 cm (0.5 in.)
Length 50.8 cm (20 in.)
Weight 45 g (0.1 lb)


Fuel Moisture Sensors

The 26601 10-hour Fuel Moisture Stick is used with the CS506 Fuel Moisture Sensor. The CS506 fastens onto the 26601 using two stainless-steel strips pressed into groves in the dowel.

The 26601 is not compatible with the retired CS505 Fuel Moisture Sensor.

Fuel Temperature

The CS506/26601 combination is typically measured alongside the CS205/107 combination, which measures the fuel temperature.


The 26817 Mounting Stake is often used to mount the CS506/26601 with the CS205/107. This stake places the probes twelve inches above the forest floor. Because the probes are mounted parallel to each other, shadowing is minimized. Cable ties are included for securing the cables to the side of the stake.


26601: 2

  1. For descriptions and illustrations (with part numbers) of the various instruments used in measuring fuel temperature and moisture, see the "Remote Measurements" brochure.

  2. Both the 26601 10-Hour Fuel Moisture Stick (used with the CS506-L) and the CS205 10-Hour Fuel Temperature Stick (used with the 107-L) can be easily replaced in the field with a Phillips screwdriver and an adjustable wrench.

    The dowels should be replaced each spring; more frequent replacements may be required in some environments. The more wet/dry cycles the dowels experience, the more frequently they will need to be replaced.


Common Accessory for the following products: