数据采集器 / CR10X
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这个产品是无效的且被替换: CR1000X.
CR10X Datalogger for Measurement and Control
Services Available
Repair No
Calibration Yes
Free Support No


The CR10X provided sensor measurement, timekeeping, data reduction, data/program storage and control functions. The CR10X stored up to 62,000 data points. Data and programs were stored either in a nonvolatile Flash memory or RAM. A lithium battery backed up the RAM and real-time clock. The CR10X also suspended execution when primary power (BPALK, PS100) dropped below 9.6 V, reducing the possibility of inaccurate measurements.


  • 设计用于无人值守的网络应用
  • 存储62,000个数据点(非易失性)
  • 数据格式为混合数组(默认)或表格形式
  • CR10KD离休式键盘显示器,可被带到多个站点


CR10X Top View
CR10X Top View


The data logger consisted of a CR10XM Measurement and Control Module and black CR10X Wiring Panel.

The CR10X provided sensor measurement, timekeeping, data reduction, data/program storage and control functions. The CR10X stored up to 62,000 data points. Data and programs were stored either in a nonvolatile Flash memory or RAM. A lithium battery backed up the RAM and real-time clock. The CR10X also suspended execution when primary power (BPALK, PS100) dropped below 9.6 V, reducing the possibility of inaccurate measurements.



-NOTE- Note: Additional specifications are listed in the CR10X-Series Specifications Sheet.
Memory Up to 62,000 data points
Analog Inputs 12 single-ended or 6 differential (individually configured)
Pulse Counters 2
Switched Voltage Excitations 3
Control/Digital Ports 8
Serial I/O Port 1
Scan Rate 64 Hz
Burst Mode 750 Hz
Analog Volt Resolution To 0.33 µV
A/D Bits 13
Programming Edlog
Data Storage Mixed Array, Table
Telecommunications PakBus, Modbus, Alert


A typical field-based CR10X system included:

  • CR10X Measurement and Control Module and Wiring Panel with specified Operating System
  • Alkaline or Sealed Rechargeable Power Supply
  • Weatherproof Enclosure
  • Communications Peripheral(s)
  • Programming and Communications Software
  • Sensors


CR10X OS v.1.23 (1.45 MB) 02-04-2010

Execution of this download installs the CR10X Operating System (Mixed-Array) on your computer.  

Note: The Device Configuration Utility is used to upload the included operating system to the datalogger.  Requires an SC32A or SC32B.

CR10X-TD OS v.1.15 (645 KB) 28-03-2006

Execution of this download installs the CR10X Table Data Operating System on your computer.  

Note: The Device Configuration Utility is used to upload the included operating system to the datalogger.  Requires an SC32A or SC32B.

CR10X-PB OS v.1.10 (647 KB) 28-03-2006

Execution of this download installs the CR10X PakBus Operating System on your computer.  

Note: The Device Configuration Utility is used to upload the included operating system to the datalogger.  Requires an SC32A or SC32B.

Device Configuration Utility v.2.31 (47.0 MB) 18-12-2024

A software utility used to download operating systems and set up Campbell Scientific hardware. Also will update PakBus Graph and the Network Planner if they have been installed previously by another Campbell Scientific software package.

Supported Operating Systems:

Windows 11 or 10 (Both 32 and 64 bit)



CR10X: 12


  1. The CR10X has battery-backup RAM and clock. In other words, the program, final storage data, or clock settings are not lost if ac power is lost. Data is sent to final storage by an internal program. Data can be sent by an internal program from final storage to a storage module, computer, or printer using Instruction 96 Active Serial Data Output.

  2. The CR10X uses downloadable operating systems instead of PROMs and includes more instruction in the standard operating system. For a list of instructions included in the standard operating system, refer to the prompt sheet or CR10X manual.

  3. Instruction 15, Control Port Serial I/O, does allow the use of one control port for hardware flow control (RTS/DTR) or (TXD/RXD). The first control port is the (RTS/DTR) line. Baud rate is limited to 300 or 1200. 

  4. Yes. The data can be obtained directly from the CR10X using the Modbus protocol. The data logger must have a Modbus operating system installed. The Modbus operating system can be purchased initially with the data logger, or contact Campbell Scientific for a Modbus OS to retrofit the CR10X. Refer to the 13619 CR10X Modbus Operating System on CD page.

    An alternate method of obtaining the data is using OPC. Our LoggerNet and PC-OPC software are needed. The version of Wonderware must also work with OPC.

  5. If the RF modem has a CS I/O connector, then it should be compatible with the CR10X without the use of an SC932A. Ensure that the RF modem’s firmware is compatible with the CR10X firmware.

    Note: RF modems that are not sold by Campbell Scientific will only interface with a CR10X via an SC932A or an SC105. 

  6. If the CR10X has Modbus OS, Wonderware can be used to display the data. Without the Modbus OS, LoggerNet software would be needed to collect the data and then the PC-OPC Sever software would be used to display the data.

  7. 不完全一样,但很相近。SDM-SIO4 提供 RS-232 电平;CR1000 的控制口仅提供 0 到 5 V 的电平。通常这两种方式都支持所有的传感器,以及都支持 RS-232 和 TTL 逻辑。CR1000 更容易进行设置和编程,用于串口输入。SDM-SIO1 是另一种选项。

    CR1000 能够处理字符串作为一种特殊的数据类型。它具有下面这些已集成的串行通讯功能:

    • 4套控制端口对 —— COM1 (C1 Tx / C2 Rx) 到 COM4 (C7 Tx / C8 Rx)
    • RS-232 端口
    • CSI/O 端口,用于适合的接口设备

    CR1000上的串行 I/O 功能,相似于但更快于 CR10X 或 CR23X数据采集器上的 SDM-SIO4 的功能。SDM 设备可编地址,连接到数据采集器的 C1 到 C3端口上。因此,在 CR1000 上连接多个 SDM 设备的一个优点是只占用3个控制端口。


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