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CR1000X 测量控制数据采集器
Services Available
Repair Yes
Calibration Yes


CR1000X 是我们的一款旗舰型产品,在测量和控制方面能满足广泛的需求。CR1000X的可靠性和坚固程度保证了它可以应用于:气象站、中尺度气象网、风廓线、空气质量监测、水文系统、水质监测、水文气象站等领域。



  • 极端环境下工作,标准工作温度范围-40° ~ +70°C ,扩展工作温度范围-55° ~ +85°C
  • 电脑USB端口直连
  • 具备快速模拟测量功能(300+ Hz)
  • 通过更高分辨率的测量(24位Adc),区分数据值的微小变化
  • 两个非隔离电流输入通道,可接入0~20 mA 或 4~20 mA 信号
  • CPI 端口可连接高速传感器和分布式模块 (CDM)
  • 一体式以太网接口
  • 支持 microSD 存储卡,扩展内存
  • 支持 SDI-12, RS-232, RS-485
  • 支持完整的 PakBus 协议
  • 含WEB网页固件,可通过网页浏览器直接连接


CR1000X, front view
CR1000X, front view
CR1000X, front view
CR1000X with terminals removed
CR1000X with box
CR1000X, front angle view
CR1000X, front angle view
CR1000x, front angle view
CR1000X, front view
CR1000X with one terminal strip removed
CR1000X with three terminal strips removed
CR1000X, back view
CR1000X, left view
CR1000X, right view
CR1000X, top view
CR1000X, bottom view
CR1000X mounted with other equipment (sold separately)

3D/CAD 文件:


CR1000X是一款低功率的设备,用于传感器测量、直接/远程通讯连接、数据分析、外部设备控制、数据和程序的存储,采用密封装置屏蔽射频干扰,金属不锈钢外壳。精密时钟,支持Campbell Scientific 数据采集器通用的类BASIC编程语言具备数据处理和分析功能。CR1000X 接线面板上有两个开关12 V 端子, 16 个模拟测量端子,端子可拆卸。


-NOTE- Additional specifications are listed in the CR1000X Specifications Sheet.
Operating Temperature Range
  • -40° to +70°C (standard)
  • -55° to +85°C (extended)
  • Non-condensing environment
Maximum Scan Rate 1000 Hz
Case Material Anodized aluminum
Analog Inputs 16 single-ended or 8 differential (individually configured). Two analog inputs can measure 4 to 20 mA or 0 to 20 mA natively. Four analog inputs can provide pulse/digital I/O functions.
Pulse Counters 10 (P1 to P2 and C1 to C8)
Voltage Excitation Terminals 4 (VX1 to VX4)
Maximum Source/Sink Current
  • ±40 mA (voltage excitation)
  • 50 mA (switched regulated)
Communications Ports
  • Ethernet
  • USB Micro B
  • CS I/O
  • RS-232
  • RS-422
  • CPI
  • RS-485
Data Storage Ports microSD
Switched 12 Volt 2 terminals
Digital I/O 8 terminals (C1 to C8) configurable for digital input and output. Includes status high/low, pulse width modulation, external interrupt, edge timing, switch closure pulse counting, high-frequency pulse counting, UART, RS-232, RS-485, SDM, SDI-12, I2C, and SPI function. Terminals are configurable in pairs for 5 V or 3.3 V logic for some functions.
Input Limits ±5 V
Analog Voltage Accuracy
  • Accuracy specifications do not include sensor or measurement noise.
  • ±(0.04% of measurement + offset) at 0° to 40°C
  • ±(0.06% of measurement + offset) at -40° to +70°C
  • ±(0.08% of measurement + offset) at -55° to +85°C (extended temperature range)
ADC 24-bit
Power Requirements 10 to 18 Vdc input (See manual for further details.)
Real-Time Clock Accuracy ±3 min. per year (Optional GPS correction to ±10 µs)
Internet Protocols Ethernet, PPP, RNDIS, ICMP/Ping, Auto-IP (APIPA), IPv4, IPv6, UDP, TCP, TLS (v1.2), DNS, DHCP, SLAAC, Telnet, HTTP(S), SFTP, FTP(S), POP3/TLS, NTP, SMTP/TLS, SNMPv3, CS I/O IP, MQTT
Communications Protocols CPI, PakBus, SDM, SDI-12, Modbus, TCP, DNP3, UDP, NTCIP, NMEA 0183, I2C, SPI, and others
Battery-backed SRAM for CPU Usage & Final Storage 4 MB
Data Storage 4 MB SRAM + 72 MB flash (Storage expansion of up to 16 GB with removable microSD flash memory card.)
Idle Current Drain, Average < 1 mA (@ 12 Vdc)
Active Current Drain, Average
  • 1 mA (1 Hz scan @ 12 Vdc)
  • 55 mA (20 Hz scan @ 12 Vdc)
Dimensions 23.8 x 10.1 x 6.2 cm (9.4 x 4.0 x 2.4 in.)
Additional clearance required for cables and leads.
Weight 0.86 kg (1.9 lb)


Please note: The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible products.


Product Compatible Note
DevConfig Version 2.16 or higher
LoggerLink Version 1.6 or higher
LoggerNet Version 4.5 or higher
LoggerNet Linux Version 4.5 or higher
PC200W (retired) Version 4.5 or higher
PC400 Version 4.5 or higher
RTDAQ Version 1.3 or higher
Short Cut Version 4.0 or higher


Product Compatible Note

Additional Compatibility Information


CR1000X 兼容绝大多数传感器, 包括模拟(电压和电流), 热电偶, 串口, SDI-12, 脉冲和频率传感器。


CR1000X 兼容我们的CDM模块, 多路器, 振弦接口板, 终端输入模块和继电器。


CR1000X 支持的PC连接方式包括:USB, 10/100baseT 以太网端口,多点调制解调器, 短程调制解调器, 电话调制解调器 (有线, 数字蜂窝, 语音合成), 射频电台,卫星发射 (HDR GOES, Argos, Meteosat, Iridium, 和 Inmarsat).

数据查看可以通过CR1000KD, CD100 带按键的显示屏, iOS 或 Android 设备 (需要安装免费的LoggerLink app), CD295 显示屏, 或第三方设备等。


CR1000X 和电源可以安装在任意的标准机箱内。


CR1000X 需要12 Vdc 直流电源。比如BPALK, PS150, 和 PS200。


CR1000X 数据采集器通过Campbell Scientific 软件实现编程、配置和通信。有以下几种软件可供选择,其中Short Cut 和 PC200W是最低配置,具体情况请与Campbell Scientific 技术支持人员联系。

CR1000X 兼容的软件包括:

  • Konect GDS 
  • LoggerLink ( 1.6 版本或更高 )
  • Device Configuration Utility ( 2.16 版本或更高 )
  • Short Cut ( 4.0 版本或更高 )
  • PC200W ( 4.5 版本或更高 )
  • PC400 ( 4.5 版本或更高 )
  • LoggerNet ( 4.5版本或更高 )
  • LNLINUX ( 4.5 版本或更高 )
  • RTDAQ ( 1.3 版本或更高 )



CR1000X(e) OS v.8.01 (6.54 MB) 26-09-2024

This download is for the CR1000X and CR1000Xe dataloggers. Execution of this download places the Operating System file(.obj) on your computer. It also updates the CRBasic Editor compiler and support files. 

Why Update?   UID (unique identifier) is now utilized for enhancing security along with other features and bug fixes. With this OS update it is recommended that you also update the Device Configuration Utility to the most recent version so that new datalogger features are available in the utility.  

Note/Warning: Campbell Scientific always recommends updating operating systems on site if possible. When remote updates are required, it is recommended that you implement the necessary precautions to handle unexpected OS upload complications. All datalogger settings should be retained when updated remotely. If you choose to roll back to a previous operating system, the datalogger settings will be reset to default.

Watch the Video Tutorial: Sending an OS to a Local Datalogger.


CR1000X Web Browser Interface v.1.2 (970 KB) 13-09-2024

Standard Datalogger Web Browser Interface

Use this download to update the data logger's web browser interface.

To install this file, send it to the data logger using file control found in the Device Configuration Utility or file control found in LoggerNet.

This interface is recommended for fast IP interfaces like Ethernet and Wi-Fi. It does NOT perform well over slow communications mediums like cellular.

Note: This is NOT for system data loggers that have custom interfaces like the SunSentry, Hydro-Link, Alert205, and MeteoPV.

CPI Calculator v.1.0 (2.49 MB) 06-07-2016

The CPI Calculator is a downloadable Microsoft Excel spreadsheet used to estimate the usage and capacity of a CPI network.  The calculator provides an overview on CPI devices including the CDM-A108, CDM-A116, CDM-VW300, CDM-VW305, and the CSAT3B.  The calculator can also estimate the measurement speed of the CDM-A108 and CDM-A116 based on the number of channels and measurement parameters.


The CPI Calculator is an estimation tool and will help you better understand and design CPI networks by considering the following:

  1. What is the capability of each CDM or CPI device
  2. What is the CPI network capacity
  3. How much of the CPI capacity are the CDMs or CPI devices using


Custom Menu Example Program for Connections Video v.1 (1 KB) 26-03-2024

This program demonstrates creating a custom menu for data logger displays and corresponds to the Campbell Connections video: Creating Custom Menus in CRBasic for a Data Logger Display

Data Logger Wiring Excel Template (1 KB) 26-03-2024

This is a data logger wiring diagram spreadsheet template that accompanies the Wiring Diagram Video. The spreadsheet includes templates for  CR6, CR1000X, CR300, CR310, and CR350 data loggers. The file is an Excel template and works best with Microsoft Excel. 


CR1000X: 8


  1. The default CPI bus speed setting is 250 kB/s. The speed is adjustable in your CRBasic data logger program. Use the CPISpeed() instruction in your CRBasic program to adjust the CPI bus bandwidth to meet the following maximum combined (total) Ethernet cable lengths:

    • 1000 kB/s for maximum combined Ethernet cable lengths of 15.2 m (50.0 ft)
    • 500 kB/s for maximum combined Ethernet cable lengths of 61.0 m (200.0 ft)
    • 250 kB/s for maximum combined Ethernet cable lengths of 152.4 m (500.0 ft)
  2. The potential transformer and the current transformer provide differential outputs that have galvanic isolation from the voltage and current in the circuit they are measuring. However, there is no need to run the outputs of these transformers into differential inputs of the data logger and unnecessarily consume additional data logger channels. We conducted extensive testing for noise immunity, for inaccuracies from ground loops, and more before concluding that single-ended measurements in the ACPower() instruction have the same performance as differential measurements would provide. Please note that as a result of the galvanic isolation of the potential transformer and current transformer, the data logger ground is NOT connected to the ground of the circuit they are measuring.

    Said differently, you can connect differential outputs of a sensor to single-ended inputs of the data logger. However, doing so creates the possibility of poor common-mode noise rejection in the data logger and the possibility of introducing inaccuracies from ground loops between the sensor and the data logger. Note that in this application, the transformer isolation of the potential transformer and the current transformer eliminates these concerns.

    Simply connect one of the potential transformer secondary wires and one of the current transformer secondary wires to the data logger ground. Which wire in either case makes a difference, as the phase information allows the measurement of power flowing in either direction. If you measure negative real power when it should be positive, then reverse the secondary wires of the potential transformer where they connect to the data logger. Alternatively, you can reverse the secondary wires on the current transformer, but don't reverse both pairs of wires.

  3. 将 CR1000X 返回 Campbell Scientific 维修,并填写返修单(RMA), 请参考 Repair and Calibration page.

  4. When idle, the CR1000, CR6, and CR1000X consume less than 1 mA @ 12Vdc. Similar to the CR6, the CR1000X has a much faster processor that requires more power when up and running. As such, there will be higher current draws during active measurements, serial communications, or when plugged into a PC via USB or Ethernet.

    It may be helpful to think of the CR6 and CR1000X as being built on the same "platform."

  5. CR1000X 部分编程指令与 CR1000 不兼容, 但大多情况下,只需稍加改动,就可以将 CR1000 的程序用于 CR1000X. 请参考"Replacing Your CR1000 Data Logger with a CR1000X: What You Should Know" blog article

  6. CR1000 和 CR1000X 至少将会同时销售两年. 预计 CR1000 于2019年12月停产,维修服务延长至2029年12月. 


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