Short Cut 编程工具
气象 应用支持 水资源 应用支持 能源 应用支持 湍流通量 应用支持 基础结构/工业设施 应用支持 土壤 应用支持


Short Cut Program Generator (SCWin) is a free, menu-driven, PC-compatible software package that simplifies the creation of data logger programs; it creates a data logger program in seven easy steps.

Note: Short Cut is included with PC400 and LoggerNet software, so no additional download of Short Cut is necessary if you are using either of these programs. To download Short Cut separately, visit the Downloads section below or click the Download Now button above.


  • Creates a data logger program in seven easy steps.
  • Generates a printable wiring diagram.
  • Supports both standard sensors and generic measurements (e.g., bridge, pulse).
  • Supports the AM25T, AM16/32B, AM16/32A, AM16/32, AM416, and AM32 multiplexers.
  • Supports CDM and GRANITE VOLT Analog Input Modules.
  • Supports GRANITE TEMP Thermocouple Modules.
  • Supports the AVW200 2-Channel Vibrating Wire Analyzer Module.
  • Supports ET106, ET107, and MetData1 Weather Stations.
  • Includes a reference crop evapotranspiration calculation module and other mathematical calculations.
  • Can be downloaded free of charge; see Downloads section or Download Now button on web page.



Originally intended to support meteorological and hydrological applications, the initial releases of Short Cut (SCWin) supported over 120 sensors. Now, with additional program generation capabilities, Short Cut supports programming for our multiplexers, AVW200-series Vibrating Wire Interfaces, ET107 stations, ET106 stations, MetData1 stations, and most sensors that can be measured by our data loggers.

Short Cut allows the user to select sensors and choose output data. Short Cut then creates a wiring diagram and a program file for transfer to the data logger. It also includes support for algebraic entry of expressions.


Operating System Windows 11 and 10 (Both 32- and 64-bit operating systems are supported.)
Requirement .NET 4.0
Purchased Separately Free download
Software Level Entry
Communications Supported N/A (program generator only)
Scheduled Data Collection Supported N/A (program generator only)
Data Display Supported N/A (program generator only)


Please note: The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible products.


Product Compatible Note
21X (retired)
CR10 (retired)
CR1000X (retired)
CR10X (retired)
CR200X (retired)
CR206X (retired)
CR211X (retired)
CR216X (retired)
CR23X (retired)
CR295X (retired)
CR300 (retired)
CR3000 (retired)
CR500 (retired)
CR5000 (retired)
CR510 (retired)
CR800 (retired)
CR850 (retired)
CR9000 (retired)

Additional Compatibility Information

Computer Requirements

Computer operating systems—Windows 10 and 11. Short Cut runs on both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of these operating systems.

Product Support

Short Cut supports more than 100 sensors (including generic measurements), multiplexers, AVW200-series vibrating wire interfaces, and the ET107.




Short Cut v.4.6 (32.6 MB) 02-10-2024

Short Cut creates simple programs for our CR200-series, CR300-series, CR510, CR500, CR10(X), 21X, CR23X, CR6, CR800, CR1000(X), CR1000Xe, CR3000, CR5000, CR9000X and GRANITE dataloggers. Both mixed array and table data operating systems are supported. Short Cut also supports our ET106, ET107 and MetData1 weather stations. The newest version includes the latest sensor files.


SnowVue 10 Patch for Short Cut v4.4 v.1.0 (3.10 MB) 25-10-2022

This patch adds SnowVue 10 support to ShortCut version 4.4.


Short Cut: 15


  1. The SCWin revision history information can be found through the “Software and OS Revision Histories” web page for Short Cut.

  2. Yes. In the Water | Level & Flow folder, there is the option to select CS475/CS476/CS477 Radar Water Level Sensor. Click to move the selection to the Selected device window, and enter the SDI-12 address.

  3. The Half Bridge instruction should be selected (not the 3 Wire or 4 Wire options) in Short Cut. The following parameters are data logger specific, but the following can be used on the CR1000 datalogger with the sensor wired to SE1, and Vx1:

    How many HalfBr Sensors?          1
    Total Bridge Resistance 1000 ohm
    Excitation Voltage 2500 mV
    Sensors per excitation channel 1
    Range of sensor voltage 2500 mV
    Reverse Excitation Yes
    Measurement Integration

    50 or 60Hz

    Settling Time 20000 µs
    Multiplier Determined during installation (see manual)
    Offset Determined during installation (see manual)
  4. It is possible that an older version of Short Cut is being used. Download the latest version of Short Cut.

    For programming assistance, consult the NR01-L instruction manual. For additional assistance, contact Campbell Scientific.

  5. Short Cut does not allow mV readings. To record the raw mV data before it is converted to NTU, open the Short Cut file in the CRBasic Editor, and alter the program manually.

  6. No. A CRBasic or Edlog data logger editor (included in PC400 and LoggerNet software) is needed to write program code for the TDR100. Short Cut for Windows (SCWin) is not designed to handle the many variables of the TDR100.

  7. We do not offer an individual manual for SCWin (Short Cut for Windows). Short Cut information is provided in the LoggerNet, RTDAQ, and PC400 manuals. Information can also be obtained from the Help screens within SCWin.

  8. No. Short Cut version 3.0 cannot be used to program the data logger to send data via FTP.

  9. Short Cut for Windows (SCWin) ships in all of Campbell Scientific’s support software packages. It is also available as a free download in the Downloads section of the SCWin product page.

    SCWin can be used to create programs by going through a simple five-step process. The generated data logger program can be used “as is,” or it can be opened up in the CRBasic Editor (the programming editor that is included with RTDAQ, LoggerNet, and PC400). SCWin provides a good example of programming, as well as a head start on a new program.

    Note that any changes made to the CRBasic program cannot be imported back into SCWin.

  10. No. Campbell Scientific recommends tracking the battery voltage, program signature, and data logger temperature over time for troubleshooting purposes.
