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CS215-L 温度和相对湿度传感器
Services Available
Repair Yes
Calibration No
Free Support Yes


CS215是使用瑞士制造的元件,加工成的温度和相对湿度传感器。测量结果精确而稳定。元件基于Sensirion公司的CMOSens技术开发而来,在阿尔卑斯山脉条件下经过了2年多的测试。CS215采用SDI-12信号输出方式,可由大多数Campbell Scientific数据采集器来测量。


  • 精确且稳定的测量
  • 野外可更换的元件,允许现场重校准
  • 每个传感器元件进行了逐一校准,因此不需要进一步调节探头
  • 低功耗
  • SDI-12数字式输出


CS215-L probe
CS215-L probe
CS215-L probe
CS215-L probe mounted with a 6-plate shield


CS215采用Sensirion SHT75型组合式相对湿度和温度元件,来提供精确而稳定的测量。Sensirion SHT75元件可在野外更换,消除了由重校准产生的下线时间。CS215输出SDI-12信号,可由大多数Campbell Scientific数据采集器来测量。

CS215应该被固定在防辐射罩内,通常为41303-5A。41303-5A 6页防辐射罩为自然通风方式,可固定在主桅杆、横臂或直立塔的立柱上。


Sensing Element Sensirion SHT75
Measurement Description Temperature, relative humidity
Signal Type/Output SDI-12
Communication Standard SDI-12 V1.3 (responds to a subset of commands)
Housing Material Anodized aluminum
Housing Classification IP65 (NEMA 4)
Sensor Protection Outer glass-filled polypropylene cap. Inner expanded PTFE filter. Filter material has a porosity of 64% and a pore size of < 3μm.
Supply Voltage
  • The supply voltage is typically powered by the data logger's 12 V supply.
  • 7 to 28 Vdc (for serial numbers E13405 and newer)
  • 6 to 18 Vdc (for older models)
Typical Current Drain
  • 120 μA (quiescent)
  • 1.7 mA (measurement takes 0.7 s)
EMC Compliance Tested and conforms to IEC61326:2002.
Operating Temperature Range -40° to +70°C
Field Replaceable Chip or Recalibrate Field-replaceable chip
  • 1.2 cm (0.5 in.) at sensor tip
  • 1.8 cm (0.7 in.) at cable end
Length 18.0 cm (7.1 in.) including strain relief
Weight 150 g (5.3 oz) with 3.05 m (10 ft) cable

Relative Humidity

Measurement Range 0 to 100% RH (-20° to +60°C)
Output Resolution 0.03% RH
  • ±2% (10% to 90% range) at 25°C
  • ±4% (0% to 100% range) at 25°C
Short-Term Hysteresis < 1% RH
Temperature Dependence Better than ±2% (-20° to +60°C)
Typical Stability ±1.0% per year
Response Time with Filter < 20 s (63% response time in still air)
Calibration Traceability NIST and NPL standards

Air Temperature

Measurement Range -40° to +70°C
Output Resolution 0.01°C
  • ±0.3°C (at 25°C)
  • ±0.4°C (5° to 40°C)
  • ±0.9°C (-40° to +70°C)
Response Time with Filter < 120 s (63% response time in air moving at 1 m s-1)


Sensor Mounts

When exposed to sunlight, the CS215 must be housed in a 41303-5A radiation shield. To attach the 41303-5A to a CM202, CM204, or CM206 crossarm, place the 41303-5A’s U-bolt in the bottom holes. To attach the radiation shield directly to a tripod mast, tower mast, or tower leg, place the U-bolt in the side holes.

The CS215-L Temperature and RH sensor can also be housed in the 43502 if a special adapter from R. M. Young (R. M. Young pn 43537) is used.


CS215-L: 13


  1. If the values are not within the published range of the sensor, there are several things to check:

    1. If the yellow cap has not already been removed, remove it.
    2. Verify that the program is correct without additional multipliers or offsets.
    3. Ensure that the filter and radiation shield are clean so that air can freely flow into and past the sensor.
    4. If the first value returned in the array is NAN, this is usually an indication that the data logger is unable to communicate with the sensor. This could be caused by a power issue, an incorrect SDI-12 address, one or more disconnected wires, or a broken sensor. 
  2. Relative humidity (RH) from the probe is capped at 100%. If readings of 100% occur during drier conditions, it is possible that the chip, the entire sensor, or both have associated issues. Repair, maintenance, or replacement is likely needed. Contact Campbell Scientific for assistance.

  3. Yes. This can be purchased from Campbell Scientific (pn 18144, Replacement RH and Temperature Element and Filter Cap for CS215). This chip replaces both the temperature and RH humidity sensing element.

  4. Refer to the “Maintenance and Calibration” section of the instruction manual.

  5. If the -100 is actually -99.999 for both temperature and RH, this is an indication of what should be a rare condition. This indicates that the microprocessor in the body of the probe cannot communicate with the sensor element correctly. To be more specific, the communication between the microprocessor and the sensor element includes a CRC check. The microprocessor tries up to three times to get data with a good CRC. If it does not succeed, its sets both values to -99.999.

    The following are some reasons why this might happen, as well as some suggested solutions:

    • There is a source of very strong RF interference near the tip of the probe. Check that the probe is not mounted close to a cellular telephone or radios.
    • The sensor element does not have a good connection with its socket, or the socket is corroded. Remove the cap of the sensor, and inspect or reseat the sensor element.
    • The sensor element is faulty. A replacement element can be ordered from the Sensirion website.
    • There is an internal connection issue or dry solder joint inside the sensor body. In 2011, some sealing glue ran down inside the probe’s body into a connector, which caused a poor, intermittent connection. Measures were taken to prevent this from happening in CS215-L sensors produced later.
  6. No. The sensor cannot be calibrated, but Campbell Scientific can perform a calibration verification that includes multiple points (temperature and relative humidity). Campbell Scientific recommends using three points for RH (10%, 50%, and 90%) at one temperature (25 degrees Celsius), as well as an additional temperature point. This verification process has an initial setup charge and an additional per-point charge. Campbell Scientific sends a document indicating the values tested to with the accompanying measurement from the associated sensor.

  7. Yes, using pn 18144Replacement RH and Temperature Element and Filter Cap for CS215. However, Campbell Scientific recommends taking the necessary precautions associated with changing electronics in the field. As this is a relatively small chip, it is not recommended to replace the chip during stormy weather or without having some type of collection container placed underneath in case the chip is accidentally dropped.

    For assistance replacing the chip, refer to the “Maintenance and Calibration” section of the instruction manual.

  8. The most significant difference is that the CS215-L has an SDI-12 output and that the HMP60-L has a voltage output. Additional differences are outlined in the “Air Temperature & Relative Humidity” brochure, which compares all of the Campbell Scientific temperature and relative humidity sensors. 

  9. Note the difference between calibration and a field check. Calibration cannot be done in the field, as it requires an experienced technician and specialized equipment.

    Field checks of measurements can be done to determine if the data make sense with the real-world conditions. Follow these steps to field check a sensor:

    1. Find a second sensor of the same type as the installed sensor whose data is in question. The second sensor will be used as a benchmark sensor and should be known to be accurate or recently calibrated.
    2. At the site, take readings using both sensors under the same conditions. The best practice is to measure both sensors side-by-side at the same time. Note that the sensors will never have the exact same measurement.
    3. Depending on the sensor model, if the difference in the readings of the installed and benchmark sensors is greater than the sum of the accuracies for both sensors, either return the installed sensor to Campbell Scientific for calibration or replace the appropriate chip.
      • The 107, 108, 109, 110PV-L, and BlackGlobe-L temperature sensors can be calibrated.
      • The HC2S3-L and HMP155A-L temperature and relative humidity sensors can be calibrated.
      • The CS215-L has a replaceable chip for temperature and relative humidity. For more information, refer to the “Maintenance and Calibration” section of the CS215 instruction manual.
      • The HMP60-L has a replaceable chip for relative humidity only. For more information, refer to the “Maintenance” section of the HMP60 instruction manual.


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