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CMP6-L 短波辐射表
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CMP6为ISO一级短波辐射表,用于监测全太阳波段的太阳辐射。可直接接入到Campbell Scientific数据采集器,通常用于环境监测、太阳能资源评估及太阳能电厂性能应用中。


  • Double glass dome and increased thermal mass improve performance, allowing it to have an ISO first-class classification
  • Compatible with most Campbell Scientific data loggers
  • Integrated bubble level is visible without removing sun shield
  • Desiccant-filled drying cartridge prevents dew from forming on the inner sides of the domes
  • Compatible with the CVF4 heater/ventilator that keeps the domes free from ice and dew
  • Measures reflected solar radiation when inverted
  • Provides measurements in direct sunlight, under plant canopies, when the sky is cloudy, and in artificial light
  • Compatible with the CWS900-series interfaces, allowing it to be used in a wireless sensor network



CMP6以保护在两层玻璃穹顶罩中的高质量黑化热电堆来测量太阳辐射。它在285至2800 nm波段内具有平直的光谱灵敏度,因而非常适合自然太阳光测量的应用中,以及冠层下、温室中或建筑的太阳辐射监测,还可倒置安装用于监测反射短波辐射。

一支干燥剂筒用于防止CMP6的穹顶内侧结露。Campbell Scientific还提供CVF3加热通风罩,可防止辐射表穹顶表面结冰或结露。


CMP6产生微伏级信号,可由Campbell Scientific数据采集器直接测量。


Sensor High-quality blackened thermopile protected by two glass domes
Measurement Description Monitors solar radiation for the full solar spectrum range
ISO Classification Class B (first class)
Spectral Range 285 to 2800 nm
Sensitivity 5 to 20 μV W-1 m2
Temperature Dependence of Sensitivity < 4% (-10° to +40°C)
Response Time < 18 s (95% of final value)
Zero Offset Due to Thermal Radiation < 15 W/m2 (200 W/m2)
Non-Stability < 1% (change/year)
Non-Linearity < 1% (0 to 1000 W/m2)
Directional Error < 20 W/m2 (up to 80° with 1000 W/m2 beam)
Tilt Error < 1%
Level Accuracy 0.1°
Impedance 20 to 200 Ω
Operating Temperature Range -40° to +80°C
Typical Signal Output 0 to 20 mV (for atmospheric applications)
Maximum Irradiance 2000 W/m2
Expected Daily Uncertainty < 5%
Dome Diameter 5 cm (2 in.)
Width 15 cm (5.9 in.) with shield
Height 9.25 cm (3.64 in.)
Weight 0.9 kg (2 lb) with 10.1 m (33 ft) cable


Please note: The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible products.


Product Compatible Note
CR1000X (retired)
CR300 (retired)
CR3000 (retired)
CR800 (retired)
CR850 (retired)

Additional Compatibility Information


The CMP6 has a bubble level and two leveling feet, which allow it to be leveled without using a leveling base. This pyranometer mounts to a mast, crossarm, or pole (1.0 in. to 2.1 in. OD) via the CM255 or CM255LS mounting stand. The CMP6 should be mounted away from all obstructions and reflective surfaces that might adversely effect the measurement.


CMP6-L: 9


  1. The ISO and WMO classify First Class pyranometers, such as the CMP6-L, as suitable for network operations. However, if accuracy is of paramount concern, consider using Class A pyranometers, such as the CMP11-L and CMP21-L, instead.

  2. A cable length of 300 ft can be used with the understanding that additional noise may be introduced into the measurement. Typically, in systems with pyranometers, the sensors are installed near the data logger (within 50 ft). If an application requires long leads, contact Campbell Scientific for assistance.

  3. No. These are all passive devices that create their own voltage signal as a response to the measurement being made. There is, however, a heater and ventilator for these sensors (CVF4-L) that requires a power supply.

  4. All of these pyranometers measure the amount of solar short-wave radiation incident on a surface. Because of their accuracy and performance level, the CMP11-L and CMP21-L are classified by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and World Meteorological Organization (WMO) as Secondary Standard sensors, representing the highest level of measurements made by pyranometers. In comparison, the CMP6-L is classified as a First Class sensor, which is the middle classification for pyranometers. (Second Class is the lowest pyranometer classification.)

  5. 大多数 Campbell Scientific 传感器的型号中都带有 –L,它表示用户指定线缆长度。如果传感器型号名称列有 –LX (这里 “X” 是其它的某个字符), 那么该传感器需要用户指定长度,但线缆尾端会配有用于某个独特系统的特殊快速接头:

    • –LC 表示用户指定线缆长度,所配快速接头用于 ET107, CS110, 或已停产的 Metdata1 系统。
    • –LQ 表示用户指定线缆长度,所配快速接头用于 用于 RAWS-P 气象站。

    如果一个传感器的主型号数字的后面没有被指定 –L 或其它的 –LX 字符,那么该传感器将具有固定的线缆长度。在产品页面订购栏中 (Ordering tab) 的描述字段的末尾,会列出线缆的长度。例如 034B-ET 型号的描述字段含有信息:Met One风传感器适用于ET气象站,67英寸线缆 (Met One Wind Set for ET Station, 67 inch Cable)。产品按固定的线缆长度做尾端处理,默认是尾线方式。

    如果线缆尾端配有用于某个独特系统的特殊快速接头,则型号尾部的字符会指定该传感器用于哪一个系统。例如,034B-ET 型号表明该传感器是一个 034B 且用于 ET107 系统。

    • 以 –ET 结尾的型号的传感器配备快速接头,用于 ET107 气象站。
    • 以 –ETM 结尾的型号的传感器配备快速接头,用于 ET107 气象站,但它们也含有一个特殊的系统安装支架,在订购一个备件时,所配的支架经常是便捷实用的。
    • 以 –QD 结尾的型号的传感器配备快速接头,用于 RAWS-F 快速配置气象站。
    • 以 –PW 结尾的型号的传感器配备快速接头,用于 PWENC 预接线机箱或预接线系统。
  6. 不是每一种传感器都有不同的线缆尾端选项。通过查找传感器产品页面的订购栏 (Ordering tab) 中的两个位置,可以检查某种特定传感器的可用的线缆尾端选项:

    • 产品型号
    • 线缆尾端选项列表

    如果传感器以 –ET, –ETM, –LC, –LQ, 或 –QD 等版本的型号供应,那么线缆尾端选项已经反映在该传感器的产品型号中。例如,034B 以 034B-ET, 034B-ETM, 034B-LC, 034B-LQ, 和 034B-QD 等型号供应。

    所有其它的线缆尾端选项,如果可用,会列在该传感器产品页面的订购栏 (Ordering tab) 中的线缆尾端选项 (“Cable Termination Options) 区域。例如,034B-L 风速风向传感器具有 –CWS, –PT, 和 –PW 等线缆尾端选项,显示在 034B-L 产品页面的 订购栏 (Ordering tab) 位置。

    注: 当更新的产品添加到我们的库存中时,一般来说,我们会在单个传感器的产品型号下面列出多种线缆尾端选项,而不是创建多个产品型号。例如,HC2S3-L 具有 –C 线缆尾端选项用于连接到 CS110,而我们并没有使用 HC2S3-LC 产品型号。

  7. Yes. Each pyranometer is shipped with an instruction manual provided by Kipp & Zonen that contains information concerning its construction, spectral sensitivity, cosine response, and a simple sensor check out procedure. Included with the sensor and manual is a calibration certificate with the sensor sensitivity value and serial number.

  8. Because of the loss of IR radiation, nearly all thermopile instruments typically have a negative offset. This offset is most easily visible at night-time, when a small negative value is read instead of zero. This same offset is present during the daytime, but it is not as visible because of the large solar signal.

    Another common issue involves leveling an instrument. Leveling a thermopile instrument can cause errors in the direct beam component because the cosine response is not correct. These errors are more notable when the sun is close to the horizon because the angle is so shallow.

  9. Campbell Scientific 的很多传感器都有可行的不同线缆尾端处理选项,包括以下几种:

    • –PT (–PT w/Tinned Wires,镀锌尾线) 是默认选项,不显示在产品行中,而其它选项会显示在产品行中。线缆末端为尾线方式,可直接连接到数据采集器。
    • 在 –C (–C w/ET/CS110 Connector,CS110快速接头) 选项中,线缆尾端所配的快速接头可连接到 CS110 电场计或 ET-系列的气象站。
    • 在 –CWS (–CWS 带 CWS900 快速接头) 选项中,线缆尾端所配的快速接头可连接到 CWS-系列的接口。连接到 CWS900-系列接口使得传感器可被用于无线传感器网络中。
    • 在 –PW (–PW 带预接线快速接头) 选项中,线缆尾端所配的快速接头可连接到预接线机箱上。
    • 在 –RQ (–RQ 带RAWS 快速接头) 选项中,线缆尾端所配的快速接头可连接到 RAWS-P 永久配置远程自动气象站。

    注: 线缆尾端选项的可行性因传感器而异。例如,传感器可能会有 无选项、两个选项或几个选项可供选择。如果预期的选项没有列在所指定的传感器中,请联系 Campbell Scientific 的应用工程师寻求帮助。