CS100测量600 至 1100 hPa(mbar)量程内的大气压力,相当于从海平面以下(例如在矿井中)到海平面上方3600米。其设计适用于环境应用,CS100兼容所有的Campbell Scientific数据采集器。
CS100是Campbell Scientific版本的Setra 278型大气压传感器。它使用Setra公司的Setraceram电容传感器和IC模拟电路来测量大气压力。
Measurement Description | Barometric pressure |
Signal Type/Output | Analog voltage |
-NOTE- | 1 hPa = 1 mBar |
Pressure Range | 600 to 1100 hPa |
Long-Term Stability | ±0.1 hPa per year |
Response Time | < 100 ms |
Resolution | ±0.01 hPa |
Excitation | 9.5 to 28 Vdc |
Elevation | ~609.6 m (2,000 ft) below sea level (as in a mine) to 3,657.6 m (12,000 ft) above sea level |
Accuracy |
Linearity | ±0.4 hPa |
Hysteresis | ±0.05 hPa |
Repeatability | ±0.03 hPa |
Signal Output | 0 to 2.5 Vdc |
Warm-up Time | < 1 s |
External Trigger Voltage |
Current Consumption |
Temperature Range | -40° to +60°C |
Cable Diameter | 0.8 cm (0.3 in.) |
Cable Length | 0.8 m (2.5 ft) |
Dimensions | 9.1 x 6.1 x 2.5 cm (3.6 x 2.4 x 1.0 in.) |
Weight | 135 g (4.8 oz) |
Please note: The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible products.
Product | Compatible | Note |
CR1000X (retired) | ||
CR300 (retired) | ||
CR3000 (retired) | ||
CR310 | ||
CR350 | ||
CR6 | ||
CR800 (retired) | ||
CR850 (retired) |
Product | Compatible | Note |
Granite 6 |
A 2.5-ft cable is supplied with the sensor for connection to the data logger. The cable connects to a control port, single-ended analog input terminal, 12 V power terminal, and ground terminal on the data logger.
The CS100 is typically mounted next to the data logger inside an ENC12/14 or larger enclosure. The very small ENC100 is available for housing the CS100 separately, in its own enclosure.
CS100: 9
Generally, these sensors are designed to measure the pressure of the environment where they are installed. The CS100 or CS106 can measure the air pressure within a snowpack if the enclosure is adequately sealed away from the snow while allowing the vent to have access to the snow. Note that it may be difficult to accomplish this.
Noisy measurements may be caused by several factors:
Yes, but only if certain conditions are met:
In most cases, enclosures and buildings have enough little spaces for the pressure to stay at equilibrium with the outside pressure. Therefore, the sensor does not need to be vented to the outside. It is possible, however, that the rate at which the pressure equalizes is slowed by being in an enclosure, but the rate change usually is not noticeably significant.
If the sensor resides in an absolutely air-tight environment, and the pressure outside this environment needs to be measured, then the sensor will need to be vented to the outside. However, venting to the outside may change the rating of the enclosure or associated inside environment.
Either the CS100 or the CS106 can fit inside an ENC100. For more information, refer to the Specifications information on the ENC100 product page.
For a reading in millibars, the multiplier is 0.240, and the offset is 500. To convert the millibar reading to different units, add an equation to the code.
To correct the pressure to sea level, see the “Correcting Pressure to Sea Level” section in the CS100 instruction manual or in the CS106 instruction manual. Alternatively, use Short Cut for Windows to generate the program, and, when prompted, enter the appropriate site elevation.
The manufacturer recommends calibration on a yearly basis. However, conformance to published standards or regulations may require this on a more frequent basis.
It is possible that an older version of Short Cut is being used. Download the latest version of Short Cut.
If the latest version of Short Cut has already been downloaded, open the program.