16725 水体电导率与温度探头
气象 应用支持 水资源 应用支持 能源 应用支持 湍流通量 应用支持 基础结构/工业设施 应用支持 土壤 应用支持


CS547A 探头测量电导率(EC)和温度。通过A547接口连接到Campbell Scientific数据采集器,兼容我们大多数的数据采集器。


  • Compatible with most Campbell Scientific data loggers
  • Easy to clean
  • Corrosion resistant
  • Rounded ends facilitate installation and removal
  • Compatible with AM16/32-series multiplexers allowing measurement of multiple sensors
  • Weighted option available for stand-alone submersion




CS547A易于清洁,耐腐蚀。探头前端为圆头形状,易于安装与移除。发运的CS547A经过 0.01 摩尔的 KCl溶液在 25°C环境下的校准;该标准液的电导率为 1.408 mS cm-1


Output Analog (requires A547 interface)
Conductivity Measurement Range ~0.005 to 7 mS/cm
Temperature Measurement Range 0° to 50°C
Conductivity Accuracy
  • The EC accuracy is in a KCl and Na2SO4, NaHCO3, and NaCl Standard Solutions @ 25°C.
  • ±5% of reading (for 0.44 to 7.0 mS cm-1 range)
Temperature Polynomial Linearization Error Typically < 0.1°C (over 0° to 48°C)
Thermistor Interchangeability Typically < 0.2°C (over 0° to 50°C)
Wetted Materials Epoxy housing, 316 stainless-steel rings, polyurethane cable
pH Operating Range Solution pH of less than 3.0 or greater than 9.0 may damage the stainless-steel housing.
Operating Temperature Range 0° to 50°C
Depth Rating 305 m (1000 ft) maximum
Dimensions 8.9 x 2.54 x 1.9 cm (3.5 x 1 x 0.75 in)
  • 45 g (2 oz)
  • 120 g (4.2 oz) with 1.22 m (4 ft) cable
Weighted Cable Weight 80 g (2.8 oz)


Please note: The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible products.


Product Compatible Note
CR1000X (retired)
CR300 (retired)
CR3000 (retired)
CR800 (retired)
CR850 (retired)

Additional Compatibility Information

The minimum pipe ID that the CS547A-L fits is 2.79 cm (1.1 in.).

Data Logger Considerations

The A547 Interface is required for connecting the probe to the data logger. This interface contains the blocking capacitors and bridge completion resistors necessary for the conductivity measurement.

A 3-ft cable is shipped with the sensor to connect the A547 to the data logger terminals. The CS547A requires one differential analog input, one single-ended analog input, and two excitation channels. One excitation channel must be capable of delivering ac excitation, so the BDR301 or BDR320 are NOT compatible.

Using Multiple CS547A Conductivity Probes

Special considerations apply when two or more CS547A probes will be measured by a single data logger.

A CR510 cannot be used to measure two probes because it does not provide sufficient (three) excitation channels.

Although it is acceptable for the two thermistors to share an excitation channel, each conductivity measurement requires a dedicated excitation channel. If excitation for the conductivity measurement were to be shared from a common excitation channel, both solutions would become polarized and once excitation was removed, some charge could be transferred from one solution to the other making the measurements interdependent on one another. If more than two CS547A probes are to be measured, then an AM16/32-series multiplexer is required.


If more than two CS547A probes are to be measured, then an AM16/32-series multiplexer is required. In this scenario, each probe is wired to the multiplexer and one A547 interface is wired between the multiplexer and the data logger. If the system were maximized, up to sixteen CS547As could be connected to the multiplexer. However, because the A547 becomes a part of the measurement circuit for all connections to the multiplexer, only CS547A probes could be connected to the multiplexer (i.e., it is not possible to mix other sensor types with the CS547As attached to the multiplexer).


CS547a Program Examples for CR1000X and CR1000 Data Loggers v.1 (7 KB) 24-02-2022

Four programs are included: two CR1000X programs and two CR1000 programs. The first CR1000X and CR1000 programs measure the sensor and correct for cable resistance, EC ionization, and temperature. These programs use constants for KC (printed on the sensor label), cable length, and temperature coefficient (see manual). These values should be changed to fit your sensor. Also included are a CR1000X and a CR1000 program for calibrating the sensor. Newer data loggers such as the CR6 are programmed similarly to the CR1000X. Older data loggers such as the CR800-series and CR3000 are programmed similarly to the CR1000.


16725: 18


  1. The readings will be accurate for the sample of water inside the cavity, but that may or may not be indicative of the overall conductivity of the well. Flowing water allows a more representative measurement over time.

  2. Position the CS547A-L so that it is protected during high flow but remains submerged at base flow.  Orient the measurement cavity parallel to the water flow.

  3. This sensor is designed for freshwater applications and should not be used in seawater.

  4. Ice forming inside the hollow cavity can damage the sensor; therefore, as a precaution, the sensor should be removed.

  5. Yes. Each CS547A-L is shipped with pn 77854-inch Nylon brush.

  6. If the measurement cavity is kept clean, ephemeral conditions should not affect the reading.

  7. The units of conductivity are mS/cm or millisiemens per cm.

  8. The CS547A-L has a built-in thermistor that is used for this purpose.

  9. Exciting the CS547A-L with an electrical charge to make a measurement causes ionization. The ionization correction code corrects for this disruption.

  10. One A547 interface is needed for each CS547A-L, unless a multiplexer is used. A multiplexer is capable of switching up to 16 CS547A-L sensors through one A547 interface.