降水传感器 / TE525WS-L
TE525WS-L 雨量计
Conforms to National Weather Service Recommendation
气象 应用支持 水资源 应用支持 能源 应用支持 湍流通量 应用支持 基础结构/工业设施 应用支持 土壤 应用支持


TE525WS 翻斗式雨量计,符合美国国家气象服务要求,8-in 集雨口,可测量低至0.01-in的降雨增量。兼容Campbell Scientific 所有的数据采集器,广泛应用于环境监测、水文等领域。


  • Compatible with most Campbell Scientific data loggers
  • Accuracy is ±1 percent at rates up to 1 in./hr
  • High precision—tips at 0.01-in. increments
  • Directly compatible with the CS705 Snowfall Adapter allowing the TE525WS to measure the measure the water content of snow
  • Conforms to the National Weather Service recommendation for an 8-inch funnel orifice
  • Compatible with the CWS900-series interfaces, allowing it to be used in a wireless sensor network



The TE525WS funnels precipitation into a bucket mechanism that tips when filled to its calibrated level.  A magnet attached to the tipping mechanism actuates a switch as the bucket tips. The momentary switch closure is counted by the pulse-counting circuitry of our data loggers.


Sensor Type Tipping bucket with magnetic reed switch
Material Anodized aluminum
Operating Temperature Range 0° to 50°C
Resolution 1 tip
Volume per Tip 8.24 ml/tip (0.28 fl. oz/tip)
Rainfall per Tip 0.254 mm (0.01 in.)
Measurement Uncertainty 1.0% up to 50 mm/h (2 in./h)
Cable Type 2-conductor shielded
Orifice Diameter 20.3 cm (8 in.)
Dimensions 21 x 21 x 26.7 cm) (8.25 x 8.25 x 10.5 in.)
Cable Weight 0.1 kg (0.2 lb) per 3.05 m (10 ft) length
Tipping Bucket Weight 1.0 kg (2.2 lb)



The TE525WS rain gage mounts to a CM300-series Mounting Pole or a user-supplied 1.5” IPS pole. Several pedestal options are available to secure a CM300-series pole to the ground (see Ordering Information). Accurate measurements require the gage to be level.

Snowfall Adapter

The TE525WS is directly compatible with the CS705 Snowfall Conversion Adapter. The CS705 uses PG:E antifreeze to melt snow, allowing the TE525WS to measure the water content of snow.

Wind Screen

Campbell Scientific offers the 260-953 Wind Screen to help minimize the affect of wind on the rain measurements. This wind screen consists of 32 leaves that hang freely and swing as the wind moves past them.


TE525WS-L: 13


  1. The accuracy of the TE525WS-L diminishes as rainfall intensity increases (see the Accuracy specification) because at higher intensities, rain will keep pouring into the tipping mechanism as it is tipping, causing missed tips. The maximum listed intensity in the specifications is 2 to 3 in./hr, which would give an accuracy of +0%, -3.5%.

  2. Replacement screens and funnels can be ordered by calling Campbell Scientific.

  3. A TE525-L can be converted to a TE525MM-L and vice versa because the inner tipping mechanisms are the same. To convert a TE525-L or TE525MM-L to a TE525WS-L, the rain gage must be sent in to Campbell Scientific to change the tipping mechanism. If an 8 inch funnel is used on a TE525-L or TE525MM-L without changing the tipping mechanism, the multipliers for the rain measurement will change. For information about these multipliers, see the TE525 Instruction Manual

  4. The TE525-L and TE525WS-L have a 0.01 in. tip.
  5. The most common errors are either that the rain gage appears to have drifted out of calibration or that the tips are not being correctly recorded by the data logger. 

  6. When a rain gage is out of calibration, it is usually because of the buildup of dirt and grime on the internal surfaces of the tipping bucket mechanism. Cleaning the internal surfaces usually brings the rain gage back into calibration. It is also possible that a rain gage is out of calibration because it is no longer level.

    To minimize the possible occurrence of calibration errors, perform routine cleaning and maintenance of the rain gage at least once every three months. The environmental conditions at a particular site may require a facility to perform cleaning, leveling, and maintenance on a much more frequent schedule.

  7. The 260-953 Alter-type rain gage wind screen consists of 32 heavy metal leaves that hang freely and swing as the wind moves past them. The swinging leaves act as a wind damper and help minimize the effect of wind on the rain measurements without adding additional turbulence.

  8. The information included on a calibration sheet differs with each sensor. For some sensors, the sheet contains coefficients necessary to program a data logger. For other sensors, the calibration sheet is a pass/fail report.

  9. This depends on the information contained in the calibration sheet:

    • If the calibration sheet contains coefficient information, Campbell Scientific keeps a copy, and a replacement copy can be requested.
    • If the calibration sheet does not contain coefficients, Campbell Scientific does not keep a copy. It may be possible to contact the original manufacturer for a replacement copy.


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