降水传感器 / TB4MM-L
TB4MM-L 雨量计


TB4MM 高端翻斗式雨量计,采用公制单位,20.3-cm 集雨口,可测量0.2-mm的降雨增量。TB4MM特别适合高强度降雨的地区或站点使用。兼容Campbell Scientific 所有的数据采集器,广泛应用于环境监测、水文等领域。


  • 更精确的测量高强度的降雨
  • 高精密度 — 0.2-毫米 刻度增量
  • 兼容所有的Campbell Scientific数据采集器 。
  • 兼容CWS900系列接口,可用于无线的传感器网络中



The TB4MM funnels precipitation into a bucket mechanism that tips when filled to its calibrated level. Each tip is marked by a dual reed switch closure that is recorded by a datalogger pulse count channel. After measurement, the water drains through two orifices (accepts 12 mm tubing) in the base, allowing the measured water to be collected in a separate container.

The TB4MM contains an internal siphon mechanism that causes rain to flow at a steady rate to the tipping bucket mechanism (regardless of intensity). The siphon allows the sensor to make accurate measurements over a range of 0 to 50 cm per hour.



Sensor Type Tipping bucket with siphon and dual reed switch
Rainfall per Tip 0.2 mm (0.008 in.)
Measurement Range 0 to 700 mm/h (0 to 27.6 in./h)
Measurement Uncertainty
  • ±2% @ < 250 mm/h (9.8 in./h)
  • ±3% @ 250 to 500 mm/h (9.8 to 19.7 in./h)
Measurement Uncertainty 700 mm/h (27.6 in./h) maximum rate per hour
Operating Temperature Range 0° to 70°C
Humidity Range 0 to 100%
Cable Type Two-conductor shielded
Drain Tube Size Both filters accept 12 mm (0.47 in.) ID tubing.
Orifice Diameter 20 cm (7.9 in.)
Height 33 cm (13 in.)
Weight 2 kg (4.4 lb) with 7.62 m (25 ft) signal cable


Please note: The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible products.


Product Compatible Note
CR1000X (retired)
CR3000 (retired)
CR800 (retired)
CR850 (retired)

Additional Compatibility Information


The base of the gage is supported by three legs. A CM240 Leveling Base and Mount or a user-supplied baseplate with leveling capability is recommended. The CM240 may be attached to a CM300-series mounting pole, or to a user-supplied 1.5 IPS (1.9-inch outer diameter, unthreaded) pipe (see Ordering Information). A concrete pad is recommended.

Wind Screen

Campbell Scientific offers the 260-953 Wind Screen to help minimize the affect of wind on the rain measurements. This wind screen consists of 32 leaves that hang freely and swing as the wind moves past them.

Datalogger Considerations

Compatible Contemporary Dataloggers

CR200(X) Series CR800/
CR1000 CR3000 CR9000X CR6 Series CR300 Series CR1000X

Compatible Retired Dataloggers

CR500 CR510 CR10 CR10X 21X CR23X CR9000 CR5000 CR7X


TB4MM-L: 11


  1. The following are some suggestions to try:

    1. Check that there is a solid connection to the reed switch. The screws should be tight, and the wires should have a solid connection to the screws.
    2. Try switching the connection from the current reed switch being used to the secondary reed switch connection.
    3. Check that the cable is connected to the correct input on the data logger. Take the two wires on the other end of the cable (the sensor side) and touch them together. The data logger should register a tip. If the tip registers, the issue is with the reed switch. Replace the reed switch.
    4. If the data logger still doesn't register a tip, try using a different cable.

  2. If data is not being logged correctly, there are two likely causes:

    • The reed switch has failed.
    • There is a faulty connection from the rain gage to the data logger, typically caused by a broken conductor or corroded wiring. 
  3. Not registering any tips, missing tips, or double tips.

    1. Remove the housing assembly from the base by removing the three screws and lifting upward on the housing.
    2. Check the bubble level to verify the rain gage is level.
    3. Pour water through the inner funnel to wet the two bucket surfaces. Using a graduated cylinder, slowly pour 314 cc (19.16 in3) of water, over a 15 minute period, into the collection funnel. This volume of water is equal to 0.39 inches of rainfall (10 mm).
    4. After the water has passed through the rain gage, the tipping bucket should have tipped 39 times for the TB4-L or CS700-L, or 50 times for the TB4MM-L.
    5. If the rain gage fails to record the correct number of tips, return the unit to Campbell Scientific for recalibration.
  4. The most common errors are either that the rain gage appears to have drifted out of calibration or that the tips are not being correctly recorded by the data logger. 

  5. When a rain gage is out of calibration, it is usually because of the buildup of dirt and grime on the internal surfaces of the tipping bucket mechanism. Cleaning the internal surfaces usually brings the rain gage back into calibration. It is also possible that a rain gage is out of calibration because it is no longer level.

    To minimize the possible occurrence of calibration errors, perform routine cleaning and maintenance of the rain gage at least once every three months. The environmental conditions at a particular site may require a facility to perform cleaning, leveling, and maintenance on a much more frequent schedule.

  6. The 260-953 Alter-type rain gage wind screen consists of 32 heavy metal leaves that hang freely and swing as the wind moves past them. The swinging leaves act as a wind damper and help minimize the effect of wind on the rain measurements without adding additional turbulence.

  7. 大多数 Campbell Scientific 传感器的型号中都带有 –L,它表示用户指定线缆长度。如果传感器型号名称列有 –LX (这里 “X” 是其它的某个字符), 那么该传感器需要用户指定长度,但线缆尾端会配有用于某个独特系统的特殊快速接头:

    • –LC 表示用户指定线缆长度,所配快速接头用于 ET107, CS110, 或已停产的 Metdata1 系统。
    • –LQ 表示用户指定线缆长度,所配快速接头用于 用于 RAWS-P 气象站。

    如果一个传感器的主型号数字的后面没有被指定 –L 或其它的 –LX 字符,那么该传感器将具有固定的线缆长度。在产品页面订购栏中 (Ordering tab) 的描述字段的末尾,会列出线缆的长度。例如 034B-ET 型号的描述字段含有信息:Met One风传感器适用于ET气象站,67英寸线缆 (Met One Wind Set for ET Station, 67 inch Cable)。产品按固定的线缆长度做尾端处理,默认是尾线方式。

    如果线缆尾端配有用于某个独特系统的特殊快速接头,则型号尾部的字符会指定该传感器用于哪一个系统。例如,034B-ET 型号表明该传感器是一个 034B 且用于 ET107 系统。

    • 以 –ET 结尾的型号的传感器配备快速接头,用于 ET107 气象站。
    • 以 –ETM 结尾的型号的传感器配备快速接头,用于 ET107 气象站,但它们也含有一个特殊的系统安装支架,在订购一个备件时,所配的支架经常是便捷实用的。
    • 以 –QD 结尾的型号的传感器配备快速接头,用于 RAWS-F 快速配置气象站。
    • 以 –PW 结尾的型号的传感器配备快速接头,用于 PWENC 预接线机箱或预接线系统。
  8. 不是每一种传感器都有不同的线缆尾端选项。通过查找传感器产品页面的订购栏 (Ordering tab) 中的两个位置,可以检查某种特定传感器的可用的线缆尾端选项:

    • 产品型号
    • 线缆尾端选项列表

    如果传感器以 –ET, –ETM, –LC, –LQ, 或 –QD 等版本的型号供应,那么线缆尾端选项已经反映在该传感器的产品型号中。例如,034B 以 034B-ET, 034B-ETM, 034B-LC, 034B-LQ, 和 034B-QD 等型号供应。

    所有其它的线缆尾端选项,如果可用,会列在该传感器产品页面的订购栏 (Ordering tab) 中的线缆尾端选项 (“Cable Termination Options) 区域。例如,034B-L 风速风向传感器具有 –CWS, –PT, 和 –PW 等线缆尾端选项,显示在 034B-L 产品页面的 订购栏 (Ordering tab) 位置。

    注: 当更新的产品添加到我们的库存中时,一般来说,我们会在单个传感器的产品型号下面列出多种线缆尾端选项,而不是创建多个产品型号。例如,HC2S3-L 具有 –C 线缆尾端选项用于连接到 CS110,而我们并没有使用 HC2S3-LC 产品型号。