CS700为高档的翻斗式雨量计,带有8英寸的集雨口和重载的铸铝底座。以0.01英寸的增量测量降水。CS700雨量计适合高强度降雨的站点,兼容Campbell Scientific所有的数据采集器,可用于环境监测的应用中。
CS700的集雨斗将降水收集到经过校准的翻斗上,每一次翻斗产生一个开关脉冲信号,并被数据采集器的脉冲计数通道所记录。在测量之后,雨水从两个小孔(可接12 mm的管路)流入底座中,可被收集在单独的容器中。
CS700含有一个内部的虹吸装置,可让降水以稳定的速度流进翻斗(与降水强度无关)。虹吸方法可以CS700在 0 to 70 cm每小时的降水量程内进行精确的测量。
Sensor Type | Tipping bucket with siphon and dual reed switch |
Measurement Uncertainty |
Measurement Uncertainty | 700 mm/h (27.6 in./h) maximum rate per hour |
Rainfall per Tip | 0.254 mm (0.01 in.) |
Measurement Range | 0 to 700 mm/h (0 to 27.6 in./h) |
Operating Temperature Range | 0° to 70°C |
Humidity Range | 0 to 100% |
Cable Type | Two-conductor shielded |
Drain Tube Size | Both filters accept 12 mm (0.47 in.) ID tubing. |
Orifice Diameter | 20 cm (7.9 in.) |
Height | 34.2 cm (13.5 in.) |
Weight | 3.3 kg (7.4 lb) with 7.62-m (25-ft) cable |
Please note: The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible products.
Product | Compatible | Note |
CR1000X (retired) | ||
CR300 (retired) | ||
CR3000 (retired) | ||
CR310 | ||
CR350 | ||
CR6 | ||
CR800 (retired) | ||
CR850 (retired) |
The base of the gage is supported by three legs. A CM240 Leveling Base and Mount or a user-supplied baseplate with leveling capability is recommended. The CM240 may be attached to a CM300-series mounting pole, or to a user-supplied 1.5 IPS (1.9-inch outer diameter, unthreaded) pipe (see Ordering Information). A concrete pad is recommended.
Campbell Scientific offers the 260-953 Wind Screen to help minimize the affect of wind on the rain measurements. This wind screen consists of 32 leaves that hang freely and swing as the wind moves past them.
Each tip of the CS700 is marked by a dual reed switch closure that is recorded by a data logger pulse count channel.
CS700-L: 15
The following are some suggestions to try:
These rain gages don’t necessarily generate a voltage range, but rather a pulse. Depending on how the rain gage is connected to the data logger, the gage can generate a sourcing current or a sinking current pulse.
These rain gages can be connected to either.
If data is not being logged correctly, there are two likely causes:
Not registering any tips, missing tips, or double tips.
The CM240 fits the CS700-L, TB4-L, and the retired 385-L rain gages.
Not enough tips or too many tips.
The most common errors are either that the rain gage appears to have drifted out of calibration or that the tips are not being correctly recorded by the data logger.