降水传感器 / 52202-L
52202-L 供电加热雨雪量计
Measure Rain, Snow, and Other Frozen Precipitation
Thermostat-controlled gage
气象 应用支持 水资源 应用支持 能源 应用支持 湍流通量 应用支持 基础结构/工业设施 应用支持 土壤 应用支持


52202 恒温电热式翻斗式雨量计,可测量雨量、雪量、结冰量。 它的集雨面积为200 cm2 ,测量分辨率达0.1 mm,满足WMO规定。雨量计与所有Campbell Scientific 的数据采集器均兼容,适用于环境监测领域应用。


  • High precision—tips at 0.1-mm increments
  • Heating element melts snow and ice for year-round measurements
  • Compatible with many Campbell Scientific data loggers



52202 漏斗式雨量计,漏斗置于桶状装置内,雨量到达刻度线时会有提示标签。磁簧开关标记着每个标签,数据采集器脉冲计数器可以记录这些标签。

52202 带有恒温内部加热器,需24Vac电源,可将雪或其它结冰物融解。52202配有接地变压器,将插头插入可提供24 Vac电源的墙壁插座。


Sensor Type Tipping bucket with magnetic reed switch (normally open)
Measurement Uncertainty
  • 2% for up to 25 mm/h (1 in./h)
  • 3% for up to 50 mm/h (2 in./h)
Rainfall per Tip 0.1 mm (0.004 in.)
Operating Temperature Range -20° to +50°C (heated)
Humidity Range 0 to 100%
Power 18 W @ 24 Vac (for heater only)
Heater Thermostat Set Point 10°C ±3°C
Contact Rating 24 Vac/dc (400 mA maximum)
Compliance with Standards
  • 2011/65/EU RoHS Directive
  • 2015/863/EU RoHS Phthalates Amendment
Mounting Pipe 30.5 cm (12 in.) length; 1 inch IPS, aluminum, unthreaded
Catchment Area 200 cm2 (31 in.2)
Orifice Diameter 16 cm (6.3 in.)
Diameter 18.5 cm (7.3 in.)
Height 30 cm (11.8 in.)
Power Plug Weight 0.43 kg (0.95 lb)
Weight 1.16 kg (2.55 lb)


Please note: The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible products.


Product Compatible Note
CR1000X (retired)
CR300 (retired)
CR3000 (retired)
CR800 (retired)
CR850 (retired)

Additional Compatibility Information


The 52202 is shipped with a mounting pipe. The rain gage clamps onto this pipe, which is then fastened to a crossarm using the CM220 Right-Angle Mounting Kit, or mounted onto the top of a tripod using the CM216 Sensor Mounting Kit.

Wind Screen

Campbell Scientific offers the 260-953 Wind Screen to help minimize the affect of wind on the rain measurements. This wind screen consists of 32 leaves that hang freely and swing as the wind moves past them.


52202-L: 10


  1. The 52202-L uses a reed switch to generate a pulse for each tip of the collector.
  2. These rain gages can be connected to either.

    • When a control port is used, one lead goes to the 5 V port to provide current, and the other lead goes to a control port to detect the current.
    • When a pulse channel is used, one lead goes to the pulse port, and the other lead terminates on a ground terminal.

  3. Follow the steps listed in the “Troubleshooting” section of the 52202-L Instruction Manual.

  4. If data is not being logged correctly, there are two likely causes:

    • The reed switch has failed.
    • There is a faulty connection from the rain gage to the data logger, typically caused by a broken conductor or corroded wiring. 
  5. No. The relay that controls power to the heater uses ac power only.
  6. Not registering any tips, missing tips, or double tips.

  7. The most common errors are either that the rain gage appears to have drifted out of calibration or that the tips are not being correctly recorded by the data logger. 

  8. When a rain gage is out of calibration, it is usually because of the buildup of dirt and grime on the internal surfaces of the tipping bucket mechanism. Cleaning the internal surfaces usually brings the rain gage back into calibration. It is also possible that a rain gage is out of calibration because it is no longer level.

    To minimize the possible occurrence of calibration errors, perform routine cleaning and maintenance of the rain gage at least once every three months. The environmental conditions at a particular site may require a facility to perform cleaning, leveling, and maintenance on a much more frequent schedule.

  9. The 260-953 Alter-type rain gage wind screen consists of 32 heavy metal leaves that hang freely and swing as the wind moves past them. The swinging leaves act as a wind damper and help minimize the effect of wind on the rain measurements without adding additional turbulence.


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