HygroVue 10 数字温湿度传感器
坚固, 可靠, 灵活
气象 应用支持 水资源 应用支持 能源 应用支持 湍流通量 应用支持 基础结构/工业设施 应用支持 土壤 应用支持


HygroVUE™10 是一款集空气温度和相对湿度测量于一体的数字传感器,电子元件位于传感器内部,可提供精确的测量。总线制SDI-12通讯协议可实现在同一数据采集系统中通过不同地址区分,接入更多的SDI-12型数字传感器。另外,数字输出传感器较模拟输出传感器在长线缆传输抗干扰方面有更大的优势。

HygroVUE™10 的疏水性烧结过滤器可防止灰尘和水进入盖子。该过滤器设计为能够抵抗风雨。二级PTFE膜过滤器粘结到传感器元件的表面,以防止更细的灰尘和霉菌直接影响测量。


HygroVUE™10 采用最新一代瑞士制造的相对湿度和温度元件,基于CMOSens技术,提供良好的测量、精度和稳定性。HygroVUE™1010使用存储在芯片上的校准校正值进行单独校准。您可以在现场轻松更换传感器元件,从而减少停机时间和校准成本。


  • 使用组合的、预校准的湿度和温度元件
  • 现场可更换元件,可快速进行现场重新校准
  • 数字SDI-12输出,允许长距离通信
  • 程序编写简单
  • 低功耗
  • 工作电压范围广
  • 封装设计坚固耐用
  • 标准M12连接器,密封等级为IP67


HygroVUE™10 installed in a shield and mounted (items sold separately)



When you use the HygroVue 10 outdoors, it is standard practice to install the sensor within a housing, known as a shield. The shield prevents solar radiation from heating the sensor and creating measurement errors. The radiation shield also provides a degree of protection from adverse weather, such as hail or driving rain. The most common type of shield is a relatively small, naturally ventilated screen that is low maintenance and requires no power. 

The HygroVue 10 is specifically designed for field use with dimensions to suit common radiation shields. (Campbell Scientific recommends the RAD10E 10-Plate Solar Radiation Shield.) You can mount the RAD10E on vertical or horizontal poles.

Field Calibration

Calibration is easy to carry out by simply changing the sensor element. As each sensor element is individually calibrated, no further adjustments of the sensor are required. This means that when you change the element, it returns the sensor to the factory calibration state for both temperature and humidity—without interrupting your measurement collection for long periods.


传感器元件 SHT35 modified by Campbell Scientific
通讯标准 SDI-12 V1.4 (responds to a subset of commands)
供电电压 7 to 28 Vdc
EMC 兼容性 Tested and conforms to IEC61326:2013.
标准工作温度范围 -40° to +70°C
外壳材料 UV stable, white PET-P
密封等级 IP67
传感器防护 Outer glass-filled polypropylene cap fitted with a stainless-steel mesh dust filter with nominal pore size of < 30 µm. The sensor element has a PTFE protective film with a filtration efficiency of > 99.99% for particles of 200 nm or larger size.
传感器接头 M12, male, 4-pole, A-coded
线缆 Polyurethane sheathed, screened cable, nominal diameter 4.8 mm (0.19 in.)
现场可更换芯片或重新校准 Field-replaceable chip
传感器盖直径 12.5 mm (0.5 in.)
主体直径 18 mm (0.7 in.)
长度 180 mm (7.1 in.) without cable fitted
传感器重量 50 g (1.8 oz)
总重量(含线缆) 250 g (8.8 oz) with 5 m (16.4 ft) cable

Relative Humidity

量程 0 to 100% RH
  • -NOTE- The accuracy figures quoted are the 95% confidence limits relative to factory standards.
  • ±1.5% (at 25°C, over the range 0 to 80% RH)
  • ±2% (at 25°C, over the range 80 to 100% RH)
短期滞后 < ±1% RH
其他温度下的误差 < ±1% RH (over -40° to +60°C)
长期稳定性 ±0.5% per year (maximum drift in clean air conditions)
分辨率 0.001% RH
重复性 0.05% RH (3σ noise level)
带过滤器的响应时间 8 s (63% response time in air moving at 1 m/s)

Air Temperature

量程 -40°C to +70°C
-备注- The accuracy figures quoted are the 95% confidence limits relative to factory standards.
  • ±0.2°C (over the range -40 to +70°C)
  • ±0.1°C (over the range 20 to 60°C)
长期漂移 < 0.03°C per year
分辨率 0.001°C
重复性 0.04°C (3σ noise level)
带过滤器的响应时间 < 130 s (63% response time in air moving at 1 m/s)
校准可追溯性 NIST and NPL standards

Maximum Current Drain

静态 50 µA
工作 0.6 mA (takes 0.5 s)


Please note: The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible products.


Product Compatible Note
Aspen 10
CR3000 (retired)
CR800 (retired)
CR850 (retired)