太阳辐射传感器 / NR-LITE2-L
NR-LITE2-L 净辐射表
气象 应用支持 水资源 应用支持 能源 应用支持 湍流通量 应用支持 基础结构/工业设施 应用支持 土壤 应用支持


NR-LITE2 是一款坚实耐用的净辐射表,测量入射短波辐射和长波红外辐射,相对于地表反射的短波辐射和向上长波红外辐射的能量平衡。它可以直接连接到坎贝尔的数据采集器,广泛用于农业和水文应用中。


  • Compatible with most Campbell Scientific data loggers
  • Integrated bubble level ensures proper installation
  • Includes rod that deters birds from roosting on the radiometer
  • PTFE-coated absorbers are weather resistant without using a fragile plastic dome



NR-LITE2 包括两个黑色的圆锥形吸收体,一个朝上,另一个朝下。它们涂有PTFE涂层,这使得它们具有耐候特性,因而不需要脆弱的塑料罩。两个吸收体都被校准到相同的灵敏度系数。

NR-LITE2 的水平泡可帮助确保合适的安装;所配备的小棒防止鸟儿栖息在传感器。传感器产生微伏信号,由坎贝尔数据采集器直接测量。


Sensor Two black conical absorbers—one facing upward and the other facing downward
Measurement Description Measures incoming and outgoing short-wave and long-wave radiation
Spectral Range 0.2 to 100 µm
Response Time < 20 s (nominal)
Sensitivity 10 µV W-1 m2 (nominal)
Output Range ±25 mV
Measurement Range ±2000 W m-2
Operating Temperature Range -40° to +80°C
Sensor Diameter 8.0 cm (3.1 in.)
Support Arm Diameter 1.6 cm (0.6 in.)
Support Arm Length 80 cm (31.5 in.)
Sensor Weight 200 g (7.0 oz)
Support Arm Weight 635 g (23 oz)


Please note: The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible products.


Product Compatible Note
CR3000 (retired)
CR800 (retired)
CR850 (retired)

Additional Compatibility Information


To avoid shading/reflections and to promote spatial averaging, the NR-LITE2 should be mounted at least 1.5 m above the ground or crop canopy and away from all obstructions or reflective surfaces that might adversely affect the measurement. Campbell Scientific recommends mounting the NR-LITE2 to a separate vertical pipe at least 25 ft away from other mounting structures. The 26120 Net Radiation Sensor Mounting Kit is used to mount the NR-LITE2 to a vertical pole or a horizontal crossarm, such as the CM202, CM203, CM204, or CM206.



NR-LITE2-L: 12


  1. Yes, as long as the correct AWG for the cable is used. In addition, the extension point should be water tight. The total cable length should not exceed 100 ft because signal dissipation can become too great along the cable.

  2. The net radiation measurement must be scaled to give total megajoules per square meter (MJ/m2) received during the period between calling the output table with the ETsz() instruction in it. (This is normally the scan interval.) If the sensor is scaled to output flux, the value needs to be converted to megajoules. For example, if the output flux unit is W/m2, multiply the flux value by the scan interval (in seconds) and by 10-6 to convert the value to megajoules (that is, MJ = W x scan x 10-6).

  3. The calibration of the NR-LITE2-L is carried out at zero wind speed. At any other wind speed, the sensitivity will decrease. It has been shown that this decrease in sensitivity is less than 1% of reading per m/s wind speed, and the effect is essentially independent of the radiation level. More information about this can be found in the "Sensitivity to Wind Speed" subsection in the "Overview" section of the instruction manual.

  4. As of June 2013, all of our current and retired net radiation sensors can be mounted using this kit. These include:

    • Current sensors: CNR4-L, NR-LITE2-L, and NR01-L
    • Retired sensors: CNR1, CNR1-L, CNR2-L, NR-LITE-L, and Q7.1-L
  5. Albedo is the fraction of solar energy (short-wave radiation) reflected from the Earth back into space. It is a measure of the reflectivity of the surface of the earth. Because this sensor does not produce separate components of the long-wave and short-wave radiation, it is impossible to properly calculate the albedo.

  6. Mount the net radiometer so that no shadow will be cast on it at any time of day from obstructions such as trees, buildings, the mast, or the structure on which it is mounted.

    Campbell Scientific recommends installing a net radiometer in an open area, away from the main weather station structure on a separate vertical mast. If it is necessary to install this sensor on the main tall tower (30 ft or taller), the sensor should be installed at the top of the tower. In the northern hemisphere, the sensor should be facing south. In the southern hemisphere, the sensor should be facing north. If the tower uses a solar power system (that is, solar panels), ensure that the solar panels are installed away from the main tower.

  7. The information included on a calibration sheet differs with each sensor. For some sensors, the sheet contains coefficients necessary to program a data logger. For other sensors, the calibration sheet is a pass/fail report.

  8. This depends on the information contained in the calibration sheet:

    • If the calibration sheet contains coefficient information, Campbell Scientific keeps a copy, and a replacement copy can be requested.
    • If the calibration sheet does not contain coefficients, Campbell Scientific does not keep a copy. It may be possible to contact the original manufacturer for a replacement copy.
  9. 大多数 Campbell Scientific 传感器的型号中都带有 –L,它表示用户指定线缆长度。如果传感器型号名称列有 –LX (这里 “X” 是其它的某个字符), 那么该传感器需要用户指定长度,但线缆尾端会配有用于某个独特系统的特殊快速接头:

    • –LC 表示用户指定线缆长度,所配快速接头用于 ET107, CS110, 或已停产的 Metdata1 系统。
    • –LQ 表示用户指定线缆长度,所配快速接头用于 用于 RAWS-P 气象站。

    如果一个传感器的主型号数字的后面没有被指定 –L 或其它的 –LX 字符,那么该传感器将具有固定的线缆长度。在产品页面订购栏中 (Ordering tab) 的描述字段的末尾,会列出线缆的长度。例如 034B-ET 型号的描述字段含有信息:Met One风传感器适用于ET气象站,67英寸线缆 (Met One Wind Set for ET Station, 67 inch Cable)。产品按固定的线缆长度做尾端处理,默认是尾线方式。

    如果线缆尾端配有用于某个独特系统的特殊快速接头,则型号尾部的字符会指定该传感器用于哪一个系统。例如,034B-ET 型号表明该传感器是一个 034B 且用于 ET107 系统。

    • 以 –ET 结尾的型号的传感器配备快速接头,用于 ET107 气象站。
    • 以 –ETM 结尾的型号的传感器配备快速接头,用于 ET107 气象站,但它们也含有一个特殊的系统安装支架,在订购一个备件时,所配的支架经常是便捷实用的。
    • 以 –QD 结尾的型号的传感器配备快速接头,用于 RAWS-F 快速配置气象站。
    • 以 –PW 结尾的型号的传感器配备快速接头,用于 PWENC 预接线机箱或预接线系统。
  10. 不是每一种传感器都有不同的线缆尾端选项。通过查找传感器产品页面的订购栏 (Ordering tab) 中的两个位置,可以检查某种特定传感器的可用的线缆尾端选项:

    • 产品型号
    • 线缆尾端选项列表

    如果传感器以 –ET, –ETM, –LC, –LQ, 或 –QD 等版本的型号供应,那么线缆尾端选项已经反映在该传感器的产品型号中。例如,034B 以 034B-ET, 034B-ETM, 034B-LC, 034B-LQ, 和 034B-QD 等型号供应。

    所有其它的线缆尾端选项,如果可用,会列在该传感器产品页面的订购栏 (Ordering tab) 中的线缆尾端选项 (“Cable Termination Options) 区域。例如,034B-L 风速风向传感器具有 –CWS, –PT, 和 –PW 等线缆尾端选项,显示在 034B-L 产品页面的 订购栏 (Ordering tab) 位置。

    注: 当更新的产品添加到我们的库存中时,一般来说,我们会在单个传感器的产品型号下面列出多种线缆尾端选项,而不是创建多个产品型号。例如,HC2S3-L 具有 –C 线缆尾端选项用于连接到 CS110,而我们并没有使用 HC2S3-LC 产品型号。