数据管理软件 / CSIWEBS
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Current Version: 1.7

The CSI Web Server software package includes the CSI Web Server, CSI Web Server Administrator, and the Web Publisher. The CSI Web Server runs on a PC and displays projects created using RTMC or RTMC Pro in any web browser that supports HTML5. The Web Server Administrator allows you to configure or check the status of the Web Server, and easily browse to one or more websites running on the Web Server. The Web Publisher is used to publish your RTMC or RTMC Pro project to either a PC website running the CSI Web Server or to an HTTP-enabled data logger such as a CR6 or CR1000 with an NL120 attached. (Publishing to a data logger requires an RTMC Pro project.) In addition, the Web Publisher has display settings that allow you to show other tabs for data browsing and network status.

The CSI Web Server package is included with RTMC Pro. It can also be purchased separately for use with the standard RTMC Development application that is bundled with LoggerNet, LoggerNet Admin, and RTDAQ.



CSI Web服务器可以让您使用WEB浏览器来查看您的RTMC工程。还可以改变输入位置和公用变量的数值,切换端口/标志的状态,以及从WEB浏览器来浏览历史报表数据。

CSI Web服务器中包含CSI Web服务器管理员和WEB发布。服务器管理员让您设置服务器,检查服务器的状态,以及轻松的运行在WEB服务器上的站点。WEB发布工具可以将您的RTMC工程发表到PC网站,或者激活HTTP功能的数据采集器,例如附有NL120的CR1000。另外,Web发布工具含有显示设置,可以让您展示用于数据浏览和网络状态的其它标签。

用于CSI Web服务器的安全措施通过密码文件提供,可以控制不同用户的权限,来查看数据,改变变量的值,以及发布WEB站点。

CSI Web服务器支持HTTPS加密通讯。为了使用HTTPS,必须从第三方认证授权获得一个私有密钥文件和证书文件。


Current Version 1.7
Operating System Windows 11 or 10 (Both 32- and 64-bit operating systems are supported.)


Please note: The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible products.


Product Compatible Note
21X (retired)
CR10 (retired)
CR1000X (retired)
CR10X (retired)
CR200X (retired)
CR206X (retired)
CR211X (retired)
CR216X (retired)
CR23X (retired)
CR295X (retired)
CR300 (retired)
CR3000 (retired)
CR500 (retired)
CR5000 (retired)
CR510 (retired)
CR800 (retired)
CR850 (retired)
CR9000 (retired)

Additional Compatibility Information


CSI Web Server is optimized for using projects created with the RTMC 4.x development tools (standard RTMC Development or RTMC Pro). Although CSI Web Server can use projects from version 2.x or 3.x development tools, the web display may look different than what’s expected. For best performance, RTMC version 4.x development tools should be used to develop projects for CSI Web Server.


CSI Web Server runs on Windows 10 and 11. CSI Web Server runs on both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of these operating systems. 

Web Browser

CSI Web Server requires HTML 5.  The following target browsers are supported at the indicated version or later:

  • Chrome 10
  • Firefox 4
  • Internet Explorer 9
  • Microsoft Edge 117
  • Opera 11
  • Safari 5


CSI Web Server Patch v.1.7 (37.8 MB) 22-05-2024

Campbell Scientific has an option to buy the CSI Web Server as a stand-alone product.

This patch will upgrade the stand-alone installation of the CSI Web Server version 1.0 and newer to 1.7. A qualifying version of the CSI Web Server must be installed on the computer.

Note: This will not upgrade the CSI Web Server installed with RTMC Pro.



  1. 一个网络相机能够通过 NL115 或 NL120 和一根交叉网线直接连接到 CR1000 或 CR3000。数据采集器能够下载和存储来自网络相机的照片。之后通过多种方式,可查看或下载数据采集器中的这些照片文件,包括使用 LoggerNet、数据采集器的网页服务器、数据采集器的 FTP 客户端/服务器、或数据采集器的电子邮件客户端。

  2. The blog article "How to Navigate the World of Software Upgrades, Patches, and Trials" explains the difference between patches (free of charge) and upgrades (for a fee). This example quickly shows the difference between an upgrade and a patch:

    Upgrade Patch

    Major version change, such as 1.3 to 2.0

    Minor version change, such as 1.3 to 1.4

    Typically requires purchase for a fee

    Free of charge
