LoggerNet Admin builds on the foundations of LoggerNet, providing additional clients, capabilities, and tools that are useful when managing a large data logger network.
LoggerNet Admin是比标准LoggerNet更高级的软件包,所含有的工具对大型的数据采集器网络非常有用。它提供LoggerNet 的所有功能,包括给数据采集器编程、下载数据、监控网络和故障排除、管理网络中的数据采集器、创建绘图数据显示(当数据下载时会更新)、创建自动任务以及查看或后处理数据等能力(请参阅<a href="/loggernet" target="_blank" rel="noopener">LoggerNet</a>.) )。 服务器将数据存储在缓冲区,并将数据写入多种格式的数据文件,包括ASCII、二进制和XML。
LoggerNet Admin 具有的能力还包括:激活安全性,从远程计算机管理服务器,将LoggerNet 运行为Windows®服务,导出数据到第三方应用,以及启动相同客户端的多个实例(例如:打开两个Connect 窗口,同步地与同一网络或不同网络中的两个不同的数据采集器进行通讯)。
Operating System | Windows 11 or 10 (Both 32- and 64-bit operating systems are supported.) |
Server | Windows Server versions 2012 R2, 2016, 2019, and 2022 |
Requirement | .NET 4.6.2 |
Please note: The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible products.
Product | Compatible | Note |
21X (retired) | The 21X requires three PROMs; two PROM 21X Microloggers are not compatible. | |
CR10 (retired) | ||
CR1000X (retired) | ||
CR10X (retired) | For our CR10X datalogger, LoggerNet Admin is compatible with the mixed array, PakBus, and TD operating systems. | |
CR200X (retired) | ||
CR206X (retired) | ||
CR211X (retired) | ||
CR216X (retired) | ||
CR23X (retired) | For our CR23X data logger, LoggerNet Admin is compatible with the mixed array, PakBus, and TD operating systems. | |
CR295X (retired) | ||
CR300 (retired) | ||
CR3000 (retired) | ||
CR310 | ||
CR350 | ||
CR500 (retired) | ||
CR5000 (retired) | ||
CR510 (retired) | For our CR510 datalogger, LoggerNet Admin is compatible with the mixed array, PakBus, and TD operating systems. | |
CR6 | ||
CR800 (retired) | ||
CR850 (retired) | ||
CR9000 (retired) |
LoggerNet Admin runs on a PC, using serial ports, telephony drivers, and Ethernet hardware to communicate with data loggers via phone modems, RF devices, and other peripherals.
The development tool of RTMC Pro 1.x and 2.x is not compatible with the RTMC run-time and the standard RTMC development tool in LoggerNet Admin 4. An upgrade for RTMC Pro must be purchased separately.
LoggerNet Admin is a collection of 32-bit programs designed to run on Intel-based computers running Microsoft Windows operating systems. LoggerNet Admin runs on Windows 10 and Windows 11. LoggerNet Admin runs on both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of these operating systems.
This patch will upgrade LoggerNet, LoggerNet Remote or LoggerNet Admin version 4.0 and newer to 4.9. A version of LoggerNet 4.x must be installed on the computer.
Note: This patch includes RTMC Run-time and the RTMC Standard Development v5.0.1. If you are using RTMC Pro 4.3.3 or older or CSI Web Server 1.6 or older and plan to continue creating RTMC projects, we recommend that you opt out on updating RTMC during the install or upgrade to RTMC Pro v5.0.1.
LoggerNet Admin and Remote:
A change was made in the way the LoggerNet 4.6 Server performs "Custom Data Collection". A corresponding change was made in the Connect Screen 4.6 client "Custom Data Collection" functionality.
If you require "Custom Data Collection" functionality with the Connect Screen client, assure that the LoggerNet Servers and Connect Screen clients are 4.6 or higher.
This application requires the Microsoft .Net 4.6.2 Framework. If it is not already installed on your computer, it can be obtained from the Microsoft Download Center.
Supported Operating Systems: (32 and 64 bit) Windows 11 or 10.
LoggerNet Admin: 23
There are several approaches you can try:
Yes. The patch should update the install to version 4.1 Admin, as long as the previous installation was installed as Admin with the correct license key.
Yes. LoggerNet Admin allows for opening multiple instances of the Connect screen and connecting to multiple data loggers, as long as there is no conflict between the communications devices.
The server/client architecture of LoggerNet allows for multiple clients to access the LoggerNet server.
Yes, unless a Windows task is set up to launch LoggerNet. This task method, however, is not supported by Campbell Scientific.
All data and settings should remain following the upgrade from LoggerNet to LoggerNet Admin. The file formats and locations are exactly the same between the two products. No information in the configuration should be lost or reset.
When LoggerNet Admin is set up, the user is asked to enter a user name. The user can enter something that is recognizable by a corporate network.
LoggerNet Admin contains all of the capabilities of LoggerNet Remote. Additional copies of LoggerNet Remote are purchased separately. Because using different versions of LoggerNet and LoggerNet Remote can result in issues, Campbell Scientific recommends purchasing the LoggerNet Admin Upgrade.
No. Only LoggerNet Admin has the capability of running LoggerNet as a service.
No. LoggerNet Admin is installed on a single computer. To run clients or remote portions on another PC, it is necessary to purchase an additional LoggerNet Admin or LoggerNet Remote license.