Services Available | |
Repair | Yes |
Calibration | No |
Free Support | Yes |
05103 风速风向传感器重量轻,可测量风速风向。具有防冰冻设计以保证传感器在恶劣的高山环境下测量数据的准确性。制造厂商为R.M.Young,通过线缆连接Campbell Scientific的数据采集器。
05103-45 采用耐用的抗紫外线的热塑塑料,不锈钢和阳极电镀铝材质。耐热塑料可抗击海洋空气环境的侵蚀,抵抗大气污染。精密级别的不锈钢滚珠轴承用于旋桨轴承和立式轴承。
05103-45 用四叶旋桨测量风速。旋桨旋转产生与风速成正比的频率的交流正弦波。传感器线圈中感应的交流信号由安装在传动轴六极磁铁生成。线圈固定在不能旋转的主安装组件的中部,省去了滑环和电刷。
Operating Temperature Range | -50° to +50°C (assuming non-riming conditions) |
Mounting Pipe Description |
Propeller Diameter | 14 cm (5.5 in.) |
Overall Height | 37 cm (14.6 in.) |
Main Housing Diameter | 5 cm (2.0 in.) |
Overall Length | 55 cm (21.7 in.) |
Weight | 1 kg (2.2 lb) |
Wind Speed |
Range | 0 to 100 m/s (0 to 224 mph) |
Accuracy | ±0.3 m/s (0.6 mph) or 1% of reading |
Starting Threshold | 1.0 m/s (2.2 mph) |
Distance Constant | 2.7 m (8.9 ft) 63% recovery |
Output |
ac voltage (three pulses per revolution) 90 Hz (1800 rpm) = 8.8 m/s (19.7 mph) |
Resolution | (0.0980 m s-1)/(scan rate in seconds) or (0.2192 mph)/(scan rate seconds) |
Wind Direction |
Mechanical Range | 0 to 360° |
Electrical Range | 355° (5° open) |
Accuracy | ±3° |
Starting Threshold | 1.1 m/s (2.4 mph) at 10° displacement |
Distance Constant | 1.3 m (4.3 ft) 50% recovery |
Damping Ratio | 0.3 |
Damped Natural Wavelength | 7.4 m (24.3 ft) |
Undamped Natural Wavelength | 7.2 m (23.6 ft) |
Output |
Voltage | Power switched excitation voltage supplied by data logger |
Please note: The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible products.
Product | Compatible | Note |
21X (retired) | ||
CR10 (retired) | ||
CR1000X (retired) | ||
CR10X (retired) | ||
CR200X (retired) | ||
CR206X (retired) | ||
CR211X (retired) | ||
CR216X (retired) | ||
CR23X (retired) | ||
CR295X (retired) | ||
CR300 (retired) | ||
CR3000 (retired) | ||
CR310 | ||
CR500 (retired) | Measurements are typically processed for output with the Wind Vector instruction, which is not present in the CR500. | |
CR5000 (retired) | ||
CR510 (retired) | ||
CR800 (retired) | ||
CR850 (retired) | ||
CR9000 (retired) | Measurements are typically processed for output with the Wind Vector instruction, which is not present in the CR9000. |
The 05103-45 can be attached to a crossarm via a 17953 NU-RAIL fitting or CM220 Right Angle Mounting Bracket. Alternatively, it can be attached to the top of a CM106B or stainless-steel tripod via the CM216 Sensor Mounting Kit.
Wind profile studies measure many wind sensors. For these applications, the LLAC4 4-Channel Low Level AC Conversion Module can be used to increase the number of Wind Monitors measured by one data logger. The LLAC4 allows data logger control ports to read the wind speed sensor’s ac signals instead of using pulse channels. Data loggers compatible with the LLAC4 are the CR200(X) series (ac signal ≤1 kHz only), CR800, CR850, CR1000, CR3000, and CR5000.
The 05103-45's propeller uses one pulse count channel on the data logger. Its wind vane requires one single-ended channel and access to an excitation channel (the excitation channel can be shared with other high impedance sensors).
The 05103-45's propeller is measured by the PulseCount Instruction in CRBasic and by Instruction 3 (Pulse Count) in Edlog. The wind vane is measured by the BrHalf Instruction in CRBasic and by Instruction 4 (Excite-Delay-SE) in Edlog. The measurements are typically processed for output with the Wind Vector instruction (not present in the CR500 or CR9000 but is present in the CR9000X).
05103-45-L: 7
This depends on what is broken. Typically, Campbell Scientific can repair the unit, and the user does not have to purchase a new one.
大多数 Campbell Scientific 传感器的型号中都带有 –L,它表示用户指定线缆长度。如果传感器型号名称列有 –LX (这里 “X” 是其它的某个字符), 那么该传感器需要用户指定长度,但线缆尾端会配有用于某个独特系统的特殊快速接头:
如果一个传感器的主型号数字的后面没有被指定 –L 或其它的 –LX 字符,那么该传感器将具有固定的线缆长度。在产品页面订购栏中 (Ordering tab) 的描述字段的末尾,会列出线缆的长度。例如 034B-ET 型号的描述字段含有信息:Met One风传感器适用于ET气象站,67英寸线缆 (Met One Wind Set for ET Station, 67 inch Cable)。产品按固定的线缆长度做尾端处理,默认是尾线方式。
如果线缆尾端配有用于某个独特系统的特殊快速接头,则型号尾部的字符会指定该传感器用于哪一个系统。例如,034B-ET 型号表明该传感器是一个 034B 且用于 ET107 系统。
不是每一种传感器都有不同的线缆尾端选项。通过查找传感器产品页面的订购栏 (Ordering tab) 中的两个位置,可以检查某种特定传感器的可用的线缆尾端选项:
如果传感器以 –ET, –ETM, –LC, –LQ, 或 –QD 等版本的型号供应,那么线缆尾端选项已经反映在该传感器的产品型号中。例如,034B 以 034B-ET, 034B-ETM, 034B-LC, 034B-LQ, 和 034B-QD 等型号供应。
所有其它的线缆尾端选项,如果可用,会列在该传感器产品页面的订购栏 (Ordering tab) 中的线缆尾端选项 (“Cable Termination Options) 区域。例如,034B-L 风速风向传感器具有 –CWS, –PT, 和 –PW 等线缆尾端选项,显示在 034B-L 产品页面的 订购栏 (Ordering tab) 位置。
注: 当更新的产品添加到我们的库存中时,一般来说,我们会在单个传感器的产品型号下面列出多种线缆尾端选项,而不是创建多个产品型号。例如,HC2S3-L 具有 –C 线缆尾端选项用于连接到 CS110,而我们并没有使用 HC2S3-LC 产品型号。
Campbell Scientific 的很多传感器都有可行的不同线缆尾端处理选项,包括以下几种:
注: 线缆尾端选项的可行性因传感器而异。例如,传感器可能会有 无选项、两个选项或几个选项可供选择。如果预期的选项没有列在所指定的传感器中,请联系 Campbell Scientific 的应用工程师寻求帮助。